


5 years, 2 months ago


24 moons
jaspers group

And you wanna be noticed, but you're dying so slowly 

maine coone - american shorthair

sunnyskies lineage has quite a few mixes within it but overall she is more maine coone and shorthair then anything else
Fur Colour
black, orange and white

sunnyskies is a calico cat
Body Shape

she has more of the mainecoon size and build
jungle green

her eyes have more of a jungle greenish color too them

before joining jaspers group/leaving windclan she had no scars that didn't leave quick. After joining jaspers group, she began developing quite a few noticable scars such as one on her flank and shoulder.

ebullient . compassionate . disiplined

Sunnyskies is is compassionate and feels strong empathy for those who are hurt, whether it me emotional or phsyically. She is lovey-dovey and a sucker for phsyical touch. She is very disciplined, she has a lot of impulse control that she had built up since she was young. Before her mate died she was an ebullient cat, very lively and happy.

meticulous . moralistic . determined

Sunny is very meticulous, she thinks hard before doing anything and always has a backup plan. She is very smart and good at manipulating when it is necassary. Sunnyskies is a determined cat and will do what she must to get what she wants.

She shows a lot of moralistic behaviors, having a very string sense of right and wrong.

deceitful . vengeful . phlegmatic

Despite Sunnys compassion and empathy she can be very cold and vengeful. If you wrong someone she loves she will be out for you. She will not let up until you do something to fix what you did. This goes with her deceitfulness, she will manipulate the shit out of anyone, especially if she feels they have wronger her or someone she is close too. She will also deceive those she feels she needs to too be able to get what she wants

after her mates death she became very phlegmatic, not showing much emotion if any at all. She kept her feelings to herself and hated opening up.

the lore

The Beginning. . . 

to be filled out

to be filled out

to be filled out

The Middle. . . 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In consequat aliquet nunc in tincidunt. Sed id risus sapien. Maecenas in ex dui. Aenean luctus aliquet malesuada. Nulla facilisi. Nulla sed fringilla turpis. Donec eu risus tellus. Donec in dignissim lacus, sit amet pellentesque augue.

Cras rhoncus non felis sed dignissim. Quisque condimentum vestibulum felis, non elementum magna posuere sit amet. Nullam id consequat justo. Nullam facilisis dolor tellus, ac dapibus nibh condimentum congue. Maecenas et nunc dui.

Aliquam in leo eget augue tempus sagittis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer quis neque maximus tellus tincidunt egestas nec quis auguea.

The End. . . 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In consequat aliquet nunc in tincidunt. Sed id risus sapien. Maecenas in ex dui. Aenean luctus aliquet malesuada. Nulla facilisi. Nulla sed fringilla turpis. Donec eu risus tellus. Donec in dignissim lacus, sit amet pellentesque augue.

Cras rhoncus non felis sed dignissim. Quisque condimentum vestibulum felis, non elementum magna posuere sit amet. Nullam id consequat justo. Nullam facilisis dolor tellus, ac dapibus nibh condimentum congue. Maecenas et nunc dui.

Aliquam in leo eget augue tempus sagittis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer quis neque maximus tellus tincidunt egestas nec quis auguea.


  • butterflies
  • stargazing
  • autumn

  • fog
  • croaking(frogs,toads)
  • noon






Design Notes

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • In consequat aliquet nunc in tincidunt. Sed id risus sapien. Maecenas in ex dui.
  • Donec eu risus tellus. Donec in dignissim lacus, sit amet pellentesque augue.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • In consequat aliquet nunc in tincidunt. Sed id risus sapien. Maecenas in ex dui.
  • Donec eu risus tellus. Donec in dignissim lacus, sit amet pellentesque augue.
code by jiko | front image by artist | moodboard images from website