


8 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Charity Amelia Lynn






None known; grew up and aged out in the Foster Parents system


Neutral Chaotic


Notice- Charity is an analog of a human character! However, her adventures as a xwee are separate from and not influenced by her human counterpart's development!

Too Sweet for us

Charity never had parents; she grew up with foster family after foster family until she became too old and had to support herself. She's been on her own since eighteen, but her excessively positive outlook has kept her from becoming too down.

On initial meeting, one couldn't guess what Charity would have done to never win over parents. She's incredibly sweet and is pretty good at making friends. Unfortunately, Charity has been practicing genuine love witchery since she was ten. While she always loved matchmaking and putting together perfect couples (and is actually quite good at it), the idea of anyone potentially manipulating a romantic situation is deterring. While she doesn't have family, she does have clients; young xweetoks from all over will visit her and request a fresh red love potion. Her business has kept her afloat and off the streets, but she really would love to settle down with someone special one day.


Charity's lovewitchery skills are quite extensive! Most of her work involves potion-making. Most of the time she's visited for powerful red love potions, but very often she'll only sell weaker ones to prevent her clients from getting in over their heads. She can also make the most delicious dark black hate potions, but rarely needs to.

Charity is also good with love fortunes. Sometimes they're more extensive and require brewing and dirty teacups, but more often she's just able to look at a couple and see what kind of chemistry they have. This is more of a knack than a magical ability. She third-wheels tons of relationships to keep them strong and healthy.

Charity's potions do not affect herself; she has tested this on multiple occasions to no avail. She also cannot change the genders of anyone.