


5 years, 24 days ago



"Now why can't we all just get along?"

The daring and charismatic Jordan Peregrine is dedicated to going beyond the limits put in place for him.

6'1"29Stanley FaramundTBAPuzzle solving, rock climbing, impressive hand-eye coordination


 Jordan's outgoing and friendly personality has made more hardened explorers question his ability in the field. While this may lead to a few self esteem  issues, Jordan doesn't let it get in the way of his passion for archaeology. He loves to tease his partner and throw jokes to lighten the mood.  Despite being oblivious to obvious social cues, Jordan has a keen perception of traps and the finer details on ancient trinkets. He doesn't prefer shooting his way out of fights, but understands the dangers of his job may require it, so he isn't afraid of human enemies.


Jordan wears a nicely fitted henley and a bandanna around his neck.  His pants are perfect for rough terrains and exploration, with reinforced knees and lots of pockets, and they're held up by a brown belt and shimmering gold buckle. He has tribal-esque tattoo of an eagle on hes left forearm. Jordan comes equipped with a single-strapped backpack (that also has lots of pockets!) and tactical fingerless gloves with rubber knuckles.

Cool Details

  • HE REALLY LOVES BIRDS and is very knowledgeable about them.
  • Always hungry. Always.
  • He is extremely efficient at solving puzzles and riddles, a skill that comes in handy when on expeditions.
  • OOC: He is inspired by both classic and reborn versions of Lara Croft
  • He got a fat ass
  • Supernatural discoveries and mysteries can give him the heebie-jeebies
  • He has a phobia of spiders, rodents, and reptiles.
  • He can be very reckless at times.