


5 years, 1 month ago


Age 22
Height 5'2
Species Fae
Gender Male
Orientation Homoromantic
Pronouns He/Him
Occupation Prince
Voice Claim Livius
Theme Clumsy
Design Notes

  • He has heart shaped irises, they glow pink the happier or more excited he is, while going completely out when sad or scared.
  • Can be drawn with or without diamond studs in his ears.
  • His hair is a very very pale pink, not quite white.
  • Usually has a bandage or four on him somewhere from his constant clumsy antics.

Incredibly impulsive and confrontational, he will not hesitate to challenge you to a fight of any kind. Though he hates violence, and would cry if he saw someone so much as squish a spider. He's more clumsy than one would ever think someone could be, and extremely naive, which allows cruel-meaning people to take full advantage of him over and over again, unless someone who actually cares about him can make it stop themselves. 

He is also very kind and gentle, giving anyone the benefit of the doubt, even in the worst of people, and won't hesitate to help absolutely anyone. He sees the good in everyone.


  • Fae born, he was giving from his biological parents with almost all his magic drained to appear more human, to his adopted parents, the king and queen.
  • His eyes glow shades of pink and red depending on his mood. They're essentially high-beams when he's ecstatic, and glow dim or not at all when sad or scared. They also glow a deep low red when he's relaxed or sleepy, and glow bright pink with slightly larger heart pupils when he's flustered, the latter two being something his boyfriends accomplish often.
  • He's an excellent cook, and always makes cute foods like bread shaped like animals faces or cupcakes with unicorn shaped frosting decorated on top, especially when making food for his boyfriends.
  • Usually has a smile on his face, whether fully beaming while babbling to someone or just a small content smile on his face as his walks around his kingdom.
  • He's quite sensitive, and will cry at some kind of small things, but they're not heavy tears. Him full on crying can and will wreck the hearts of those who care about him though.

  • Baking
  • Horseback riding
  • Cuddling
  • Yelling 'fight me' at everything

  • Dark places
  • Cramped or confined places
  • Pain
  • Feeling trapped or completely overpowered

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Tae | Boyfriend

Auguste fell into the man's cornfield, and the man in turn fell into Auguste's heart. He would do anything for Tae and Tae would do the same for him. A bit slow on the upstart of Auguste's flirting, but that probably just goes to show how bad of a flirt Auguste really is, they're now happily dating, and Auguste is as flustered and in love as ever with this kind potato farmer.