


5 years, 25 days ago


Name: Anastasia "Ana" Larkin

Gender: Female

Species: Koala

Age: 24

Orientation: Demisexual

Voice: Soft with a strong Australian accent

Language: English, French, Spanish

Height: 4 feet 9 inches

Fur: Thick and short but soft.

Common Accessories: Her Earring and Studded bracelet  

Favorite Food: Any form of salad.

Fears: Large crowds, Pressure, irrational fear of Leprechauns

Allergies: None

Hobbies:  Sleeping, texting, blogging, gaming, practicing her spells, smoking weed, avoiding responsibility, smacking her male friend's asses, painting murals.

Job: Professional Artist

Favorite Type Of Music: All music

Favorite Song: Tearjerker ~ Korn

Likes: Dead baby jokes, Cringe worth videos, Watching People's reactions to cringe worthy videos she finds, RPG video games, D&D sessions, Male Butts, conspiracy theories, anime figurines, food shaped pillows/plushies, playing in people's hair, naps (especially daytime naps out in the sun), Nerds (Finds them adorable), rainy/cloudy days indoors.

Dislikes: Crowded areas, filthy areas, self-absorbed douchebags, Deacan (, gaudy jewelry, tacky furniture, bubblegum, her parents, Horror Movies (Finds them to be too predictable), Jack In The Boxes (Bad experience)

Personality: Quiet, melancholy. Difficult to anger, near impossible to calm down when angered. Very vocal once angered.