Puff (Refs)



Her colors don't have to be 100% accurate, and if you'd like to add some lighter marking in places like her upper snout, be my guest! The only point of the refs is to make it easier for other artists, but if you'd like to mess around with her design you have my full permission! The only thing I ask you be mindful of is the lilac accents, her eyes should at least stay mostly purple-y. Also, please just make sure she is NOT drawn with a bust, her chest is flat. There is obviously a certain amount of nuance I take personally when I draw her, but I would really prefer she be drawn with a flat chest when drawn by others.

Also, as you can spot in her ref(s), she has an optional hoodie! You do not have to add it, and you can stylize it however you want, it's something I just sometimes draw her in. You can also improvise pretty much any outfit for her, preferably coats and hoodies! You can aaalso draw her in outfits of characters you know I like if we know each other!