


8 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Screap (by humandreg on dA)



Basic personality

Introverted, creative, night owl, nonconformist, musical, quiet, lazy


Being up high, in trees or planes especially, rock, metal, and the odd old cheesy pop song, being able to see the sea, instruments, drawing, eating meat, cats, reptiles, PC, Android, puns, memes


Vegetables, politics, Apple products, how purposeless his life is




  • ink/oozing
  • hydra/multiple tail heads
  • fanged/toothed tail head


Not entirely set on any backstory, I'm thinking he just lives on Earth somewhere without the one he's supposed to protect because they're more scared of him (mainly the three tails, the teeth and the endless goop) than anything else he was supposed to help with. Has basically no purpose anymore, stays in his and his slightly reluctant roommates' house all day. Somehow he's good at cooking so that's what he gives to stay in the house. Wants to start a band but has no one to start one with.



Stone had a small piece of writing and two pieces of art done about him for the Chicken Smoothie Character Adoption Addicts Anonymous group's Halloween event. The writing (by Rabbitheart) is here:


As Scarlett stepped into the next room, she heard a squelching sound as she felt some sort of liquid ooze filter up between the toes of her paws. She looked around warily, eyes darting around as she fervently hoped that nothing or no one heard that and was able to pinpoint her exact location based on that sound. She had no special magical powers, no special abilities or skills, all she had to help keep her alive while she tried to survive this nightmarish hellhole was her wits, agility, and the weapons she was born with. In other words, her teeth.
As she tried to pad silently through the room, she found that such an endeavor was next to impossible as it appeared as if the whole floor was covered in some sort of sticky blue-green goo. She grimaced as she felt it ooze between all her toes. Something about this stuff set her off and she wanted nothing more than to clean off her paws and be rid of it. More than that, she worried about where it came from. Did the building have some sort of toxic leak? Was this stuff going to cause her to mutate into some sort of monster?
She certainly hoped not.
She blew her bangs out of her eyes and tossed her braided ponytail over her shoulder as she glared ahead in determination. She would get out of here. She had to. There was no way she was going to die in a place like this.
Gritting her teeth and furrowing her brow, she made another step forward while trying to ignore the funny sensation of the blue-green goo finding its way into every crevice on her paws. At one point, she heard something that startled her and she stood stock still, ears perked up while all other senses were in high alert. The sound was odd to her, it sounded a bit like something breathing, but at the same time, it sounded like it was sucking air through its teeth and its mouth was filled with spittle because there was a very audible sound like someone who is trying to prevent their saliva from making a mess all over themselves.
Hesitantly, she called out, “Who-who’s there?”


From the moment that Stone had heard the first squelch, he knew that someone or something had just entered the dark room where he was. Allowing his goo to cover the floor had been a good idea after all. He would at least know when something or someone entered the room.
Unless they could fly.
Thank goodness whoever this was didn’t have the ability to fly. He would not have had any prior warning when someone entered the room.
He heard the unmistakable squeak of mattress springs protesting under the weight of something that had leapt up on them. Clearly whoever had entered the room was very cunning and knew that they didn’t have a chance being able to fight in the terrain he had created with his goo.
He rather liked the idea of possibly having the upper hand against an attacker.
He thought that he had heard a voice call out from within the room, but any chance he had of hearing what was said was shot to heck when a thunderous boom of thunder rent the air, smothering all other sound.
The flash that accompanied the roar lit the room only briefly and Stone thought that he could make out a figure on one of the old rickety metal frame hospital beds to the left of the room.
He grinned to himself before leaping up on to one of the beds himself and then bounding over to where he’d seen the illuminated figure a moment ago.


Scarlett heard the sound of something jumping up onto one of the hospital beds just like she did, causing her to grow concerned that whatever it was that she was trapped inside this room with was on the move and coming in for an attack.
She never would have seen it coming had it not been for another thunderclap that resounded through the air, accompanying the flash of lighting. The monstrous creature was leaping towards her, maw wide open and dripping the blue-green ooze which covered the floor.
Thinking quickly, she leapt off the bed and onto the floor, much to her own surprise, she wound up sliding across the floor and under another bed. Meanwhile, the creature had landed on the bed behind the one she had previously been standing on.
The creature sucked in another slurp-y sounding breath, another flash of lightning and crack of thunder revealed to her that his three tails that were lashing about had heads of their own and also emitted the same blue-green goo.
She shuddered, whatever or whoever this was, she didn’t know if she could handle all those heads.
Unless she did something very clever; something very resourceful.
She pulled off a sheet from the bed she was under and prepared to use it when the creature came at her again…if it did.
As another blinding flash of lightning illuminated the room, the creature seemed to spot her and it lunged.