Lykos (MHU | Grimoire)



3 years, 10 months ago


Character Name

General Info
Lykos Lykanos
September 14th
Blood Type
Hero Info
Hero Name
Quirk Name
Phantom Lupine
Course Focus
Dorm Info
Dorm Number
Siavik Lykanos
Oberon Lykanos
Arktos Lykanos
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― Source

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Hero Stats

Hero Name: Grimoire

Quirk: Phantom Lupine

Lykos is able to shape shift into an incorporeal form resembling a skeletal canine shrouded in shadow. In this form he can pass through any physical object unobstructed. 


  • He can change into his ghost form at will with no effort, but performing almost any activity in this form (passing through a solid object, moving about for long periods of time, etc…) drains his energy twice as fast. If he gets too exhausted he’s forced to revert back to human form.
  • If he gets too exhausted & forced back to human form while passing through a solid object, he can get trapped in that object. His quirk protects him enough in that it will create a space for his body to occupy when it reverts back but no more. If he’s not careful he could easily become entombed within a solid enough object.
  • He can't interact with any object or person while in this form; no speech or physical touch. If he wants to communicate or touch things he has to revert back to human form.

Primary Course Focus: Reconnaissance 


Lykos is an energetic and naïve kid who looks at the world of heroism though rose colored glasses. Despite the trauma it inflicted on his older brother Arktos, he still idolizes the lifestyle, especially because his parents business surrounds him with heroes on the daily. He’s earnest and enthusiastic, wearing his heart on his sleeve.

He still yearns for attention and validation from his peers and mentor figures, despite how comfortably he was raised, his parents were absent a little too often because of their hero careers and later business ownership. His mother has tried to be more present in her sons lives since Arktos had his breakdown, but Lykos still unconsciously seeks out and craves approval as a lingering result. This frequently results in reckless impulsive behavior in order to draw attention to himself. He’s a little bit dumb, but he means well.


Lykos comes from a well-off family; his mother and father both being successful retired pro-heroes. They went on to establish a respectable bodyguard agency that employed independent heroes. Lykos was raised the youngest child and doted upon by his parents, growing up surrounded by his idols. His older brother, Arktos, was a graduate of Schuyler and went on to be a Pro-hero as well, but due to the trauma he accumulated over the years he was forced to retire early when he had a breakdown that led to a villain escaping and killing someone. Lykos has always idolized his brother regardless of what happened, romanticizing the idea of being a hero as well and wanting to pursue it as a profession for himself.

He had very little idea which direction to go with his quirk however, only really seeing the benefit of physical fighting power- something his own quirk didn’t necessarily do. He floundered in uncertainty immediately after graduating high school, wondering how to try and approach a hero to get an internship when all he could offer was his incorporeal ghostly form.

He tried to get his brother to teach him to fight, but when Arktos learned that it was so that Lykos could pursue a hero career he cut the lessons off entirely, angrily arguing with Lykos that he would be throwing his innocence away and tried to discourage him. Lykos was nothing if not stubborn though, and wouldn’t listen.

The final nail in the coffin was when Lykos learned that Schuyler offered a reconnaissance course and his enthusiasm lit up; and despite his parent’s hesitance to see Lykos follow in their footsteps after witnessing the tragedy of their eldest son, they made no effort to stop him. They weren’t exactly pleased with his choice of school considering the enormous amount of trouble that seemed to circulate Schuyler itself, but eventually agreed to endorse his application to improve his chances of being accepted.



Full Name

[ Relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Full Name

[ Relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.



  • Crunchy snacks
  • Funny prank videos
  • Cheeseburgers


  • Hot summer days
  • Condescendingly arrogant people
  • Sour candy