❄️Markis ❄️




This character is a work in progress. Information may be missing or incomplete.


Blizzard (Gem Nickname)

   Sky Blue Topaz

Sword & Shield
He/Him ♂
Neon Light Blue tones

Neon Light Blue (right eye)
Some Color maybe (left eye)

Sky Blue Topaz

💎Professional Status💎
• UnTopazG (formerly)
•Lonely Stars (formerly)
•Lost Stars

Earth Refugee

Lonely Stars
💎Personal Status💎


• Swiss & London

• Rho (partner)
• Black Pearl
• Lilac
• Green Topaz
• Pink Topaz
• White Topaz
Since 2015

Snowier Snow is Snow but Snowier. Thats it. ❄️
―  Markis

Blue Topaz is "MarkinhosMLP's" gemsona. He is a Rebel gem, an Earth Refugee and  who ran away homeworld, he is also member of the rebel group "Lonely Stars"s. He is a bit humanized, lived for a long time in Earth and adapted himself to some human habits and culture, he is overcooked and was semicorrupted by "Dragora" his former group trainer , if puffed, he can regenerate faster than most gems due to the cold temperature of his physical body (most gems need heat to regenerate, but it is not his case)


He is a 1,65 (5'5)tall gem, his body is white blue covered in dark blue markings over the arms, legs, neck and in some chest parts. His hair have different light blue tones like colored streaks, also the hair randomly produces some white sparkles and snowflakes. His hair cover his pointed elf ears. He also have some small fangs


Markis is probably Bipolar, he is very friendly, cute, needy, kindful and others, but at the same time, Markis could be a Destructive machine filled with anger and hate or maybe a sadness ocean. He is always trying his best to make their friends smile.

― Markis training effect lines while talking to one of his clones.. or it was a mirror??? idk


Overcooked gem that fled away from homeworld after sucessively stealing chips and tecnology from there. He found a group of more 3 topaz and joined them along with their leader Dragora (a Dragon Breath Opal) sometime later, they 4 discovered she was actually a fusion, and also that she was being corrupted somehow, Markis, trying to defend their friends sacrificed himself to save them. He wasnt shattered but he was semicorrupted for some time, with it, he inherited some of Dragora's powers, like Umbrakinesis. Later he goes to the Earth Planet, where he found some  gems those who teached him some human things.
he adapted so well to humans that sometimes he forgots he is actually a gem. (Even later, he joined Lonely Stars, a Rebel group of Refugees Gems) he also saved a gem that was in danger in a forest. He taught her how to be a gem (later they became best friends and partners)


[OP BUT NOT: He have a lot of skills, different attacks and "magics" but.. actually he cant control or use all of them, some of these skills just appears randomly, others he can use (Check it in Skillset [🌟: Total Control | ⚠️ : Has no Total Control])

FLOAT JUMP: can jump and float up to 5 meters (16'5).

SPEED: he is pretty fast. thats it.


  • HYDROKINESIS:  [Water Manipulation, his water powers are weaker than the other]
  • CRYOKINESIS: [Ice & Snow Manipulation, can be used to create spikes, objects, clones, freeze others, and etc]
  • UMBRAKINESIS: [After being semicorrupted some of his powers were corrupted and transformed into dark powers, due this, give life to unanimated objects, possesion e others]
  • COLD RESISTENCE: [in addition to having powers of ice, he lived in cold areas when he first arrived on earth, giving him an extra resistance]
  • ANIMAL COMUNICATION: [can talk to some animals, but not always, and not every animal. (sometimes I think he's just trying to deduce what the animals say)]
  • BODY ADPTATION: [Underwater he turns into a Merman, with a tail, membranes, and other, also with a shark wing. He can breath and see in the water perfectly)


  • ⚠️ SHAPESHIFTING: The ability to change one's physical body at will; all Gems thus far are perceived to have this ability.
  • 🌟 SNOW CLOUD: let it go. Make it snow, can be used for distractions, to freeze someone or maybe snowball fights?
  • 🌟 CLONES: creates ice clones of himself, they can move but they're all blue, just like ice, and can be melted (can also be used with animation, so the clones wont melt, and will look exactly like him
  • ⚠️ ANIMATION: gives life to unanimated objects
  • "♠ BUBBLING":  the process where a Gem encases a specific object inside a Bubble via contact or energy projection, and either take it with them or transfers it to a different location; all Gems thus far are perceived to have this ability.
  • ⚠️ THORNSHIELD: absorbs damage that can be returned to the enemy with 0.5x power
  • 🌟 POISON SKULL: summon a orb with a cute skull drawing that follows and can poison or confuse enemies
  • ⚠️ POSSESSION: can possess an object or a person for a small period of time
  • 🌟 ICE WINGS: not too much to say, he can create wings and fly around
  • 🌟 TELEPORT: can teleport himself into a short distance 
  • ⚠️ INVISIBILITY: he dont know how to use it, not even 0,1% of it, but in tension time, it can randomly happens


RHO - Rhodochrosite

You're the best thing that ever happened to me and if there is something in this world that i am completely sure is that i love being with you
― Markis

Markis met Rhodochrosite when she was in trouble, he saved her and teached her how to be a gem, and later made her join Lonely Stars,  they became best friends. With time passed, both of them develop a crush for one another, but both were too scared to confess until  they start to fuse and the feeling passes through both of them. After an incident that made her poof, Markis  started to heavily realize how much he cared about her. Today, they are romantic partners in crime.

WULF - Wulfenite

Okay so.. maybe im jealous... or not, maybe it's just... anyway forget it i've never.. uh.... STOP stop looking at me like that.. wait, are you listening to me, right?.... Wulf?
― Markis sometime when Wulf was actually sleeping. His luck was that nobody heard him not even wulf

until some time Markis treated him as a rival because he was jealous of Wulf's and Rho's 'relationship' but now Markis treats him like a fluffly wolf furry friend.

THE PEARLS - Lilac and "P"

hmm uh... so i was thinking about.. u guys know rho, right? so... then.. uh... hmm.. maybe.. i... a i think that i... love her?
― Markis trying to get help to confess to Rho

For Markis Lilac an P are like older sisters, but at the same time, like mothers and also like friends for all time, Markis always
admired them and and felt a climate between the two he was the "annoying shipper" everytime when markis got in trouble he
could count on them, they also helped him with training and gave him love advices to get to Rhodochrosite.

THE TOPAZES - Green Pink & White

we're like brother but with different mothers... and i dont know what is mother but.. i heard someone saying something like this so yeah, i like you guys
― Markis, trying to say something beautiful and failing completely


  • He has some human habits, he sleeps, he eats, he drinks and he likes other human things.
  • One of these human things is playing games, listen music, watch TV and others, maybe his hobbies?.
  • He loves fast food, just like hamburgers, fries and other thinks like that
  • Rho once said that his kiss tastes like ice cream, then like cotton candy..
  • Sometimes he.. eats small sugar flavored ice crystals?
  • His clothes are actually clothes. they arent part of his body regeneration
  • Sometimes he puffs himself to get other clothes or to look "prettier"
  • He have "Twins" Swiss and London (also blue topazes)

Gemstone Info


Description & INFO

27044944_bKkclf5ZpAsJut4.gifSky Blue Topaz
Lozenge Shaped with blue tones, cold like ice  Some people says that Blue Topaz is the Luck, Love, Health, Loyalty and Spiritual Evolution Gem
Some people say that in thunder and in cold days, the Sky Blue Topaz Stone gets more energized and shinier
In the past, Blue Topazes was used as a protection against witchcraft
It is common to be carved in tear or lozenge shape
During the Middle Ages, the blue topaz was a symbol of strength and vitality
For some people, its considered a mystic stone they believe that it can heal or even cure diseases