Orion Beltran



5 years, 20 days ago


Name: Orion Beltran
Name meaning: rising in the sky, dawning

Age: 21

Species: Alien - unknown origin

Height: 5’11 ft (180 cm)

Birthday: March 21
Zodiac Sign: Aries

Personality: Orion holds an extremely stoic front, and breaking it is especially hard. He's not easy to read, and doesn't tent to express any emotions at all. He's quiet, reserved, and doesn't like being in crowds. He prefers to keep to himself, and he likes to work alone. While he may be able to keep a perfect poker face, he does get embarrassed or flustered easily, but he's good at hiding it.

Likes: Working, technology, science fiction, reading, sleeping.
Dislikes: People clinging to him, dealing with others, tomatoes, loud noises.

 Extra Facts:
- Orion is not human, and as a baby was found in a space pod.
- It is unknown where Orion is from, or what he is. The only clear fact is that he probably came from a small far off planet.
- His adoptive mother named him Orion, after her favorite star constellation, Orion's Belt.
- His age and birthday are estimated based off when he was found.
- He grew up on the space ship that found him and has only visited Earth a couple of times. His adoptive mother though, is human and from Earth.
- Orion has strange black markings on his chest and back. He's been taken to specialists to try and decipher them in hopes of finding out where he's from, but no one has been able to figure them out.
- He's very insecure about his markings, and dislikes showing them to other people.
- He has a slight feminine appearance and can sometimes be mistaken as a girl. He doesn't really like this, but doesn't care enough to change it.
- Unlike the people he grew up around, he doesn't really care about finding out where he originally came from. To him, his one and only home is the ship.
- He was home schooled on the ship, and is actually really good with his studies. He's taken a bunch of online science courses on the side of his normal studies.
- He now works within the battle program on the ship, and he is also pretty good with computer programming and engineering.
- Currently, Earth is a part of a large galactic war, and he fights to protect Earth and it's alliance.
- He's extremely good at controlling battle robots.
- He has good agility, and is surprisingly pretty flexible and moves fast.
- He's always been interested in exploring Earth more, and loves hearing his mother's and Astrid's stories about the planet.
- He enjoys drinking tea with honey
- His favorite thing to eat is rice
- His favorite color is black