


5 years, 5 months ago



Name Lezabel
Designer GoopyHalos
Gender Female
ObtainedArt/USD Trade
Significant Other None
Rules Species Rules
Species Waterdog

RoleTheater Performer



✔/ Good actress - Charismatic - Flashy - Extroverted - Hardworking

X/ Vain - Hard on herself - Performative - Dramatic - Lonely

Lezabel is a hardworking theater and broadway performer who has given up much of her social life in pursuit of her creative passions. She doesn't have major aspirations- only a deep and genuine desire to perform and create art, in any form that may be. Serious dramas...Heartfelt romances....Silly low-budget parodies- everything is fun for her and nothing makes her happier than doing her best to make the audience smile and figuring out how she can help bring someone's imagination to life. 

As her career has gone on, she hasn't lost her love for her art, but she has come to be very remorseful and regretful of the past she left behind. Jaded by her loneliness and lack of true connection to other people. She works, she plays nice with her coworkers and the directors. She puts on a smile for the audience, then she goes home alone... unable to find meaning in most of it anymore. In the moment, it makes her happy, but once the lights dim and the curtains fall, she's left without true connection in her life. 

She wears a hundred masks, but her own is the most undeveloped of them all. 

She has a long running streak of putting bratty co-stars in their place. She's very down to earth despite her profession and hates seeing the other actors talk down to anyone- she'll bite off their head for it. 


  • She loves feather boas. They don't have to be expensive- she just finds them flashy and fun
  • She does her own makeup as much as she's allowed to. She prefers doing it her way since "She knows herself best".

Lezabel grew up a performer. From an early age she was always showing off, looking for attention, putting on masks and putting on a show. She always dreamed of the theater, dancing across the stage in front of a live audience, and she stopped at nothing as she aged to make that dream a reality. 

She moved away from her family and friends, struck out across the world, and made it. She landed a small gig...then a bigger one..then soon was performing major shows in high end theaters. She was never outrageously famous- but she made a living doing what she loved, and that was enough for her. 

But when she turned around, she had no one to share her success with. She'd burned all of her bridges, fought too much, been too stubborn to hold onto those people. 


  • Performing
  • Stage lights
  • Flashy costumes
  • Parties 

  • Alcohol
  • Being alone
  • Social media
  • Bad co-actors

Name relationship

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Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.