

8 years, 5 days ago
SpicyIsopods tree


Name Thomas Robert
Nickname(s) Tom, Tomcat Bobcat, TCBC
Age Middle Age (~50s)
Gender Cis Man
Pronouns he/him
Orientation Straight
Occupation Nomad Dad
Height ~13 cm
Theme [song]

tracker Mothcat
Masterlist #245
Inventory Link
Art Fight Profile

Antenna Leafy
Ears Classic
Mane Classic
Wings Round
Tail Bob
Eyes Common w/ Round Pupils
Coat Short
Misc [N/A]
Other Fanny Pack

Co-owned withTree

Personality: Chatty, Goofy, Adventurous, Commitment-phobic

Likes: Tourism, Camping, Hiking, History, Dad Jokes, Playing Guitar, Sports, Golf, Photography, Candy, Ice Cream

Dislikes: Settling Down, Incorrect Trivia

Design Notes:

  • Lanky siamese build
  • Tabby-point markings
  • Rounded wings with Marbled Emperor Moth markings
  • Hastate (arrow-like) leaf antennae
  • Bent up whiskers
  • Dad-mustache and scruffy "eyebrows"
  • Can be drawn with or without his fanny pack

Character Notes:

  • He's a free-spirited nomad who roams the world in search of souvenirs, photo ops, and novelty treats! Of course, since he's a dad and he loves his kids, he ends up bringing them along on many of his adventures.
  • He loves to collect souvenirs during his travels, but he can't just lug them all over kingdom come with him! So he has a storage unit (adjoined to Lady Grey's hoarder hovel, of course) to store all his weird souvenirs in.
  • He also has a collection of garden gnomes in his storage unit for... some reason.
  • He has a huge sweet tooth and is particularly fond of old-fashioned candy, salted licorice, and novelty ice cream flavors.
  • He also likes a lot of weird extreme flavors. Like umeboshi and super hot hot sauce.
  • He plays the acoustic guitar. He's not a professional or anything, but he's good enough that his kids don't groan when he pulls out his guitar around the campfire, and that's good enough for him.
  • He loves trivia! He's especially fond of history and sports trivia and will not hesitate to infodump at his traveling companions about the history of wherever they're visiting or get into arguments with his siblings about sports stats.
  • He has enough dad jokes to make his kids' eyes roll right out of their skulls.
  • He's a mega-extrovert and will happily strike up an hours-long conversation with anyone who happens to be sitting near him at a restaurant or climbing the same mountain as him.
  • His name is Thomas Robert, which he and his siblings jokingly shortened to "Tomcat Bobcat", an then his daughters (with some help from their maternal aunt, Lulu) further shortened it to "TCBC."