


5 years, 2 months ago


some kind of quote can go here

Name: Rosebush Nickname(s): Rosepelt Future name(s): N/a Former name(s): Rosekit and Rosepaw Age: 120 moons at death Gender: cis female Clan or Lifestyle: Dropclan (Starclan) Rank: Past Medicine cat(Starclan Warrior) Mentor: Sandgorse Apprentice(s): content
Fur color and pattern: light grey pelt with white underbelly and paws
Fur length: Short
Body shape: content
Eye color: Green
Scars: broken tail, twisted front leg and deep back scars
Other important details: content

a description of your character's appearance can go here. a description of your character's appearance can go here. a description of your character's appearance can go here. a description of your character's appearance can go here. a description of your character's appearance can go here. a description of your character's appearance can go here. a description of your character's appearance can go here. a description of your character's appearance can go here. a description of your character's appearance can go here. a description of your character's appearance can go here. a description of your character's appearance can go here. a description of your character's appearance can go here. a description of your character's appearance can go here.


Describe your character's personality here, if you'd like. Describe your character's personality here, if you'd like. Describe your character's personality here, if you'd like. Describe your character's personality here, if you'd like. Describe your character's personality here, if you'd like. Describe your character's personality here, if you'd like. Describe your character's personality here, if you'd like. Describe your character's personality here, if you'd like. Describe your character's personality here, if you'd like.

Likes - stuff
- stuff
- stuff
Dislikes - stuff
- stuff
- stuff


Fernstream [ Mother ]

Rosebush never truely knew her mother, as all she could remember is running to Dropclan with her sister and brother. However, due to the fact that Rosebush was a medicine cat she ended up meeting her mother in starclan. Fernstream was the cat that conviced that Rosebush should follow her heart, and that she didn't need to follow the rules. Rosebush blames herself and her mother for her mistakes, and ever time she would make a mistake her mother would convice her it was the right thing to do.

Icywind [ Father ]

Rosebush has never met her father, in her lifetime. In starclan she has, but the tom doesn't really want anything to do with the kits.

Greystar [ Sister ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

Alderstalk [ Brother ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

Rabbit [ Sister ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.


NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.


NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.


NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.


NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.


Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here.


  • Rosekit is born to Fernstream and Icywind along with Alderkit, Rabbitkit and Greykit in Blueclan.
  • Fernstream dies and Rosekit along with her siblings get chased out of Blueclan.
  • Rabbitkit gets taken by a two-leg, while Rosekit, Greykit and Alderkit manage to be found by Dropclan warriors.
  • Rosepaw becomes a warrior apprentice along with their siblings.
  • Rosepaw gets attacked by a lynx, while protecting her sister Greypaw and is unable to become a warrior.
  • Rosepaw becomes Sandgorse's mentor.
  • Rosepaw becomes friends with Ravenpaw.
  • Rosepaw is held back from becoming a full medicine cat.
  • Ravenwing gives Rosepaw the nickname Rosepelt, to make her feel better about not getting her full name at the same time as her peers.
  • Rosepaw earns her full name, Rosebush and becomes the full medicine cat of Dropclan.
  • Sandgorse stops visiting the starry hill.
  • Something that happens in character's story or history goes here.
  • Something that happens in character's story or history goes here.
  • Something that happens in character's story or history goes here.
  • Something that happens in character's story or history goes here.
  • Something that happens in character's story or history goes here.
  • Something that happens in character's story or history goes here.
  • Something that happens in character's story or history goes here.
  • Something that happens in character's story or history goes here.
Associated songs: content
Voice claim: content
Fun fact: content
Fun fact: content
Fun fact: content
Profile image credits: content, content, content, content

some info that doesn't fit in other categories can go here I guess? some info that doesn't fit in other categories can go here I guess? some info that doesn't fit in other categories can go here I guess? some info that doesn't fit in other categories can go here I guess? some info that doesn't fit in other categories can go here I guess?