Ramsey (RP Sample (a little old))



🎭♦️Ramsey would have to have a word with the bird who’d sent him here, if this was their idea of a lead. Ha, funny. The only thing he’d been led to was some rinky-dink community. There was no way he’d find- ......well. He hadn’t expected much in the first place.

Negatives lead down a narrow path.

The corvid chastised himself as he did another sweep of the town, the seaside wind tossing the fabrics that cling to his frame. They were well worn and becoming threadbare in places with the marks of continual wear, but their make was clearly of quality. Ramsey pondered his choice of outfit for scouting out the cliffs; he’d stand out like a sore talon. At least a town so out-of-the-way probably wouldn’t care about who he was (past tense) or what he was wearing. With any luck, that lack of foresight would not cause any trouble to arise.

With the passage of time, so too did any belief of finding a trace here begin to fade. He did learn of the town’s only commodity: a shitty bar. Alighting at the entrance to make his way inside, he felt his stomach curl at the rank stench of bitterness and alcohol.

It certainly did live up to expectation.

Inherent shittiness aside, there was purpose in arriving here. This was a place where inhibitions came to die. Surely there was something to be learned here, from idle gossips to world-shattering information. Probably the first one, though.

A crowd like this was unlikely to tolerate any bullshit or cockiness, so he’d have to tone back his usual approach, to his own great dismay.

He moved methodically as he shuffled into the bar, judging for now that it would be most beneficial to display an aura of calm confidence. Every step and every twitch of a feather was precise and controlled, all adding up to the correct body language he wanted to show.

Ramsey inspected the room through the corners of his eyes as he headed straight for the bar. It appears he had arrived in time to catch a great harpy eagle shout her challenge. It was a tempting one, he’d give her that. But no, no, it would be wise to remain laying low for the time being, and to simply observe. The treepie took a perch by the counter, peering past it with eyes comfortably half-lidded. “Oh, bartender, could you fetch me a drink? What sorts of specials do you serve?” He called questioningly, with a slight tilt of his head.♦️🎭