


5 years, 27 days ago


name || Vis

age || 40+ earth years, but that’s roughly equivalent to 15 years  old for his species. In some ways he’s more experienced than a 15 year  old human, and in other ways he isn’t

gender || queer, he/they with more preference for he

species || tharrow (original alien species)

source material || original RP

status in canon || alive

summary || One member of a crew of space pirates. A passive and  quiet fellow. Simply a polite little guy, with a soft voice. He’s very  eager to please and content in a job well done.

notes ||

—> Vis feels most skilled in a scouting role, they’re very stealthy  by nature. He’s been training with a rapier and parrying dagger for when  he needs to defend himself and his crew, though he’s more familiar with  the dagger alone.

—> He’s one of a nimble, superficially deerlike, flighted people from  a desert planet. They’re quite rare outside of their home system  despite access to interstellar travel.

—> Physically, Vis is actually an outlier for his species. He’s  exceptionally small and frail. His feathers are too brittle and his wing  muscles too weak for powered flight. The dozens of leafy shoots  sprouting from his shoulders and head are unique to him alone. They’re  an extension of his body, and he can feel through them.

—> Vis is very mellow and relaxed outside of active threat situations. He often looks very sleepy.

—> They enjoy being around people and are very curious but they don’t  tend to speak about themself.. or much at all unless spoken to first.

—> Vis is quite perceptive, but he can easily get distracted by fixating on a single thing.

—> Of the current crew, Vis has worked with the captain, Genesis, the  longest. On his previous crew he was sent to scout Genesis's ship but  got stranded. When the man finally found Vis stowing away, they offered  him a meal and a job. Vis has been following them since, and thinks very  highly of them.

—> Vis has a surprising amount of experience in space crime, and surprisingly little in most other areas.

—> Their expression and voice don't convey much emotion. It's usually  their posture or their ears that give away what they're feeling.

—> Vis feels drowsy very often, and spends a lot of time resting in the downtime between missions.

—> He's got an inherent immunity to most organic substances that have  an effect on other species. This includes but is not limited to:  poisons, toxins, intoxicants, caffeine, capsaicin (spice), and  unfortunately also painkillers and beneficial drugs.

—> They like drinking really extreme teas for the novelty of it. They  collect terrariums of plants from the places they travel for use in tea  experimentation.