


5 years, 1 month ago


Element: Water - Common
Tail: Common
Fluff: Common
Side Gills: Uncommon - Can breathe under water!
Theme Song: Amhrán Na Farraige

Magen Level: 2 Augdemintum [Decrease/Increase] - This ability allows the lementarin to shrink or grow the element. An ignaerin can calm and contain a blazing forest fire, for example, or can spark flame from mere coals.

Location:  Futuna Island, Vanuatu
Gathering: Irving, Kombu

Siren lives a comfortable life with Kombu and Irving within close quarters. Together the three thrive in their trio far into the pacific, away from almost all human interaction, besides the odd tourist or the very few inhabitants on the nearby islands.  More feminine than the other two, Siren stays submerged beneath the waves more often than not, swimming with dolphins and singing to sea turtles as they happen to pass by in cross currents. The jealous type, she's a tid bit envious of Irvings webbed fingies, giving him an advantage when they have races to the ocean floor and back.

Lementarin are a closed species by Otaru 
Do not make your own.