★ Aarya ★



5 years, 2 months ago



Gender male
Age adult
Status single
Sexuality dubiously asexual
Build 7'3" stocky
Profession fisherman
Slot free
Edits fur, ears, tail, horns, whiskers

sedulous . solitary . stubborn

Aarya is a bitter fisherman with less personality than fish guts he chums the water with. He was once a talented royal guard but turned his back on the monarchy when his eyes were opened to their biases. Quick to anger and slow to forgive, everyone is on his bad side. His bitter heart is only happy when he's alone on the sea, tinkering with weaponry between casting nets. Despite his rough exterior, he's fiercly protective and longs for adventure.


  • Arkadia
  • Silence
  • Being alone
  • Adventures


  • People
  • Annoyances
  • Children
  • The Koruvian Royalty



Aarya doesn't look too fondly on life. He hails from the kingdom of Koruvia and grew up the son of the notable Zain and Coatl family, well known for their fighting and defending of the royal family. For a while, he prepared to follow in his parents footsteps and trained to become captain of the guard. Young and naive, Aarya was full of hope and drive to do what he was destined to. And, seemingly by sheer drive and luck, Aarya was promoted immediately to captain. Often times though, the guard was against him. They would tell him that he was given special privilage and favor by the royal family, that he hadn't earned any of his rank. He would turn a blind eye to this and ignore their words... Until he found out they were right. Aarya discovered that he was given his rank with bias. His eyes were opened that day. Opened to the fact that everyone, especially not 'the good ones' were corrupt.

Aarya left the guard and the royal family on an unsavory note, resulting in bitterness in his heart and new worldview. He developed a nihilistic outlook and a cynical attitude. Why try so hard when you can never succeed? It's pointless and contemptible to try. Aarya has distanced himself from his family believing it better not to ruin their precious image in Koruvia and instead took to the seas. He works as a fisherman on his siener, alone. Just like he likes it. His days are long, at best but he'd sooner suffer 12 hours of hard manual labor than be gawked at in Koruvia as 'the one that left the guard.' Sharks are his preferred company.

While Aarya was working in the royal family, he had access to the kingdom's complete arsenal. This is the only thing he misses about his experience there. In his down time, Aarya finds quiet enjoyment in assembling and disassembling weaponry. His knack for crafting has resulted in some advanced harpoons and netting systems. More often than not though, he's more occupied with fishing than crafting. Despite enjoying it, weaponry is a part of his past he'd prefer to forget.

Aarya's personality is as salty and tempestuous as the ocean. If he doesn't give you the death glare or the cold shoulder, you're in his good graces which very few are. If you're in his bad graces, you might prepare yourself for an attempted harpoon to the face. Aarya's temper is short which is wonderfully coupled with unmanaged anger issues. While surly and turbulant on the outside, inside Aarya just wants to find a reason to hope again. He wants to ammend the mistakes of the past, but not return to the past. Rather, he'd want an adventure. Whether that be on land, sea, or an adventure in someone else, that's all he desires. But with years of vitriol burning in his heart, it'll take some time to reach his better nature.

Looking for in a ship

Words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words












[ sister ]

Aarya loves his twin and spent much of his younger days thinking he had to protect her (though she really didn't need that much protecting). As he grew up, Aarya began to distance himself from his family though he still stayed close to Ark. He's no longer overprotective of her but does silently wish she'd pick better company than wild things.



[ younger sister ]

Though he doesn't express it and certainly doesn't show it, Aarya does care for each of his family members. Even the unstable ones. While he doesn't care for Marrow's lifestyle and would prefer to distance himself from her, it's his pessimism that draws her to him. He's scant willingness to help her are only to spite the Koruvian empire.



[ adversary ]

While Aarya disdains Koruvia, there's one thing he hates more... pirates. No one trespasses on his ocean, messes with his forsaken country and gets away with it. Aarya has had a few squabbles with Finn in the past and despite his smaller ship, Aarya is a single-person battalion able to keep pirates at bay with his emergency weaponry.