


5 years, 2 months ago


GENDER: male

AGE: 50 moons

SEXUALITY: bicurious 

PERSONALITY: Cobra isn't all brawls and no brain; even if he doesn't show it, the big tom is really intelligent, rational and calculating, he prefers to use brute force but this doesn't mean he can't quickly solve a problem by using cold logic, he just doesn't want to, usually. He's also pretty quick at problem-solving always knowing how to act during certain situations, quickly taking the lead (only if he has to, he just prefer to follow orders because it's easier to do) and directing others in the right direction even if this could cause him to get hurt. With his mate and kits, he can be really caring, trying to give them the best life they could have, always supporting and encouraging them; but this treatment and his soft side are only shown to the ones he loves, not even his friends (the few he has since he doesn't trust other easily) are lucky enough to see his soft side, sure he cares and protect them too, just not in the same kind way he does with Ora and his kits. Cobra is also extremely loyal to his mate and to his leader, it's difficult to get the tom respect.

Cobra doesn't like to talk except if he really has something to say, he isn't the cat to start small talks with, because the only answer you'll get will be silence and a cold, uninterested gaze. The tom can be protective, sometimes even overprotective, with the ones he loves, being always near his family to see if something bad would happen or if someone could represent a treat to them.

Unfortunately, Cobra prefer to resolve everything using brute force and violence, he loves fighting and getting his claws bloody and doesn't have any problems getting aggressive with the cats who steps over his boundaries, gets him angry or when he gets one of his rage outbursts; sadly for others he cat get violent and angry really easily, being extremely irascible. His face and expression stay always impassible, he never let others see what's going in his head, having a stoic and cold facade almost impossible to break, except during his rage episodes. Cobra is untrustful, never trust others at first impact and usually takes ages for others to gain his trust and even more his respect, and doesn't have any problems saying if something is wrong in his eyes or if someone is not worthy of the clan trust.

BODY TYPE:Cobra is a wide-shoulder, muscular and tall cat, he's a giant compared to some other cats; his muscular built, long unkept fur and scarred muzzle don't make him look the nicest. His ears are small and badly scarred, the muzzle is shorter than average, wider and a little round. His legs are powerful, making him swift on his paws, which are large and solid with claws which for their size don't retract fully.

RELATIONSHIP: Orabelle (owned by CrystalMoon)