Fraser Kato



5 years, 25 days ago


Name: Fraser Kato

Alias: n/a

Super Highschool Level: Hair Stylist

Age: 16

Gender: trans boy

Personality Traits: Meek, gullible, creative, kind hearted, sensitive

Likes: Animals, plants, working, blue

Dislikes: Loud noises, violence, country music

Family Tree: Amelia Kato (Mother), Tsukomi Kato (Father), Kira Kato (Sister)

Relationships: n/a

Sexuality: Pansexual

Background Story: Fraser grew up in a small town in Japan. He loved his sister a lot and would always talk to her about everything. They're parents didn't pay much attention but they had each other. That was until she died. It was a train crash that took her life. Fraser remembers seeing it on the news and hiding in his room for two days. When he finally came back out he found out his parents were getting a divorce. Fraser, desperate to keep them together, let them do anything they wanted just to have them stay. This caused him to be abused physically, mentally, and sexually. He never spoke up about it mostly because he still loved them. All his work went to nothing when his parents got into a big fight and his mother left. Not after throwing something near Fraser causing him to yelp. The yelp alerting them to his appearance so as his mom left, his dad took it out on him. He doesn't remember much of that night but he remembers the aching pain he was in when he woke up. The abuse from before didn't stop either. It got worse. He wouldn't leave his room out of fear, causing him to skip meals more often than not.
When he was 14 he came out as trans. This caused him to get kicked out onto the street to "think about his actions." It wasn't until he was sobbing and begging in the freezing cold for two hours before his dad let him back inside.
A little joy he had was from watching hair styling videos in his room. He eventually started practicing on his own hair and found out he was really good. Fraser started posting pictures of what he's done online and suddenly he had people asking him to do it for them, for money! He would sneak out after school or during the night to go cut and style people's hair. People would describe him as scared looking and quiet when they saw him but didn't care much for him as long as they got what they wanted. After a few months of barely eating, he had enough to find a small shitty place to get away from his dad. He left during the night again, after planning and packing for days. His father never filed a missing child report and Fraser couldn't be more glad. He cut and dyed his hair, got himself some new clothes, and kept working as a freelance hairstylist. People would honestly call him the ultimate hair stylist.

Extra info or interesting facts: Fraser is japanese-american, he's allergic to nuts, and likes to feed stray cats in his free time. Also he doesn't eat much still.