


9 years, 5 months ago


It's no surprise that Rousseau is always covered in paint. Every time she looks at one of her masterpieces, she just constantly wants to add more and more, not because she dislikes it, but because she loves working and keeping herself busy. Because she gets tunnel vision with basically every activity she takes part in, she stays completely focused on that one thing and ignore everything else (including what others have to say about it.) This borzoi is certainly not the to take what others say to heart, especially if it contradicts something she already has an opinion about! Whenever you're looking for a good time, this pup definitely can spice up any activity! She is textbook right brained. One of Rousseau's major flaws is the fact that she often has trouble controlling her (sometimes overly) energetic tendencies and ends up getting herself in some sort of trouble. Although she's strong willed, facing consequences for her wild actions don't bother her in the slightest! You could almost say they go one ear and out the other. Oops. If only people knew the only effective punishment for her would be a timeout, maybe then they'd get her under control. (At least for a little while!)