


5 years, 2 months ago



Goofy Dishevelled Slacker

Youngish (Appears 18)
Goofy, lazy, childish
Open (Limited)


  • Naps
  • Food
  • Flirting
  • Being lazy
  • Sunny days
  • Cats/Dogs


  • Responsibility
  • Work
  • Sword's nagging
  • Cold weather/Super hot weather
  • Being hungry
  • Lack of sleep.


A slacker by nature, it is a wonder that he works so well with his very dedicated and driven sister. Shield has a very chill personality and rarely takes things as seriously as his sister, Sword, would like. Preferring a nap to practice, he somehow still keeps up with Sword in his skill and ability. Though he slacks off, it seems he is a natural when it comes to his fighting skills. This frustrates Sword, since she puts in such great efforts to be where she is now, while her brother does nothing but nap and keeps up with her. Shield can seem pretty childish, often whining about things such as it being too hot or too cold. About not wanting to do one thing or another. His sister nags at him quite often, which leaves him grumpy. He is a very flirtatious male, both with women as well as men. He enjoys making people feel uncomfortable more often than not. Most of his advances being just for the idea of messing with someone and nothing actually serious. Despite his attitude and slothfulness, he is still an Inferal warrior and he will not hesitate to do his duty to protect the princess. Though he might also complain about how the attacker is cutting into valuable nap time while in the process.

Shield's story.

Sword and Shield come from an extremely long line of loyal warriors known as Infernal, who fight for the Royal family of Caalan. Thought to have been the product of a pact between the Royal family's dragon ancestor and demon folk. The warriors are commonly referred to as 'Demon hounds' or 'Demon warriors.' With fierce loyalty to the royal family, they lay down their lives without a thought and devote their very existence to ensuring the well being of those of royal blood. When described by an Infernal warrior, it's said that they simply feel a tug that they must obey, no matter the cost. Further hinting at a long forgotten pact. Those demonic slit eyes and piercing stares can place normal folk in a state of unease, unable to meet the gaze of an Infernal. They are normally given a wide berth due to fear alone, though their appearance is rare. Infernal are typically seen only alongside royal bloods or when 'extreme' punishment is dealt out.

Sword and Shield were chosen early on to become the two bound to stones and placed into the box, which would be buried and only opened in case of emergency. (In case the royal family needed to flee.) Though this was seen as a death sentence by some (As they believed there would never be a need for such a thing.) The Infernal clan, as always, obliged. Sword and Shield worked as one, the brother and sister couple almost appearing to share one mind, despite their massive differences. Sword was motherly, well kempt, extremely feminine, and very proper. She was a very loyal and obedient child who only longed to please. Shield, on the other hand, was goofy, unkempt and disheveled. He liked to do his own thing and constantly teased and tortured his 'uptight' sister. Where as Sword always did her best, Shield slacked off a great deal, but somehow he still seemed to keep up with Sword. Which served to agitate her greatly at times, since she worked diligently at being the best while he could slack off and keep up with her.

Despite their differences, she holds a special sort of affection for her brother that can be seen when the two are alone or in familiar company. He doesn't seem to appreciate being mothered or babied, but he does enjoy the attention from his sister, secretly. Their arguing aside, Sword and shield could probably fight side by side with their eyes closed. The two knowing the other through and through, sharing communication with a mere glance. Known to be extremely dangerous when in combat, they quickly rose to become top and only choice for the Infernal clan. (Not many wanted the task of being sealed in stone, really. Swords eagerness to please led her to push for it and Shield just kind of went along with his sister without a real care.)