


8 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Samantha Vos


Mid twenties






Taken by Vincent


Slender yet toned


Samantha was born from a high ranking demon, her mother, and a Trickster, her father. Already born from two powerful beings, she didn't have many troubles growing up-besides her mother. Her mother had plans to overtake their realm, she wanted power-which is the main reason she was with Samanthas father-for power. He didn't give her what she wanted, so she had his child and took Samantha away to raise her as a sort of lackey. It worked for the beginning of Samanthas life, she'd been raised to be reserved and cold, only to obey her mothers words. From the start, her mother wasn't..motherly, really, and so formed Sams distaste for motherly figures as well as any parental figure. She was trained to attack on command and be quiet at any other time. She inherited the ability to manipulate anyone's thoughts/mind process to her whim. She could make them hallucinate and feel anything she wanted them to feel. This all came from her father-who stayed out of the picture. Until, however, Samantha grew powerful enough to be considered a threat to their realm. The Ram (Current ruler of their realm) sent Toby (Her father) to reclaim Samantha-which in itself was hard, as until this point she'd been conditioned to only trust her mother. Her father managed to mess around in her mind to free her of her conditioning, breaking her link with her mother and taking her into custody. Her mother was locked in a holding cell made specifically for her-sentencing her to waste her days in solitude and darkness. Samantha, however, was left under the care of Toby-since she was too inexperienced with the real world to really function as anything other than an attack dog. By this time she'd already done enough damage to be killed herself-but because Toby was her father and he had power, she was spared. EVEN SO. Tobys a shit father. And so, Samantha was passed around amungst his friends and those he trusted to take care of her until she was old enough to take care of herself. The majority of her life she stayed with Gabby, a witch, and Rosetta-a woman she loathed--for no reason, really. That's just how it be yo Because there couldn't be two 'Tricksters', Toby put a hold on Samanthas powers-leaving her relatively strong, but no match for him and thus, easily controlled. He figured he'd do her a favor and put a lock in her mind as well, so even he couldn't go poking in there anymore-along with anyone else. Finally, her mind was her own, untouchable to anyone but herself. Her relationships with other people have always been difficult. Her father is hardly a father, choosing to be her friend rather than any authority figure. He spoils her and always takes her side--she listens and obeys him out of respect. Because of his closeness to the Ram, she grew up being relatively spoiled by the both of them. In actuality, no one really likes her, and they'd rather just let her do as she pleases than make her angry in fear of her causing havoc on the realm-which she does have the power to do. Or did, at this point in time she'd just be a pain in the ass to fight with-and even The Ram would prefer to give her a free pass here and there to avoid conflict.


Cold. Little to no regard for most, though when she likes you you'll know it. She sometimes acts entitled to anything she wants, though it doesn't take much to put her in her place. Everyone assumes she has a bad temper-and they're afraid she'll blow up at them; In actuality she takes 'No' as a legit answer and will back off without a problem. Unlessshedoesn'tlikeyou. Snarky, rude and quick to shut you down. Very dismissive. Low key about showing affection, but she does. If you manage to weasel yourself into her life enough and she likes you, she's rather protective and will spend her time fussing over you. She gets jealous easily and if you do something to upset her, she's quick to shut down. She won't talk about it and sulk on her own, most likely ignoring you and distancing herself from you in the process.


LOVES LOVES LOVES SPICY FOOD. Even if it makes her eyes water and gives her a runny nose. She loves it. Especially spicy chips. So much love. She likes patient, easy going people. Even if she's the opposite most of the time, those are the people who handle her the best. Being taken care of and fussed over. Vincent. Seeing someone she dislikes unhappy. Shutting people down. Lots and lots of food. SexSexSexSexSex When the wolf is nice to her. Rock/Alternative music. She likes dressing up/fashion u7u. Good dreams. Her hair being played with.


Her mother. Being told what to do by someone she doesn't give a shit about. Authority figures/Parental figures. Crying. (Gasp, emotions) Being smacked in the face (On her head or anywhere else is whatever, but if it's to her face she feels personally disrespected) Being criticized, When Vincents upset with her--or being a dick. Being hit. Rosetta. The fact that most of her power is locked away. she has a strong dislike for how she acts, who she is and how she can't do anything about it. She's a big ol ball of self loathing. She likes giving people nightmares.
