


5 years, 1 month ago



This is a business man who works under a collective of an eldritch god from the dark under realm. He has the ability to form stuff out of the cracks of his gray skin. It's probably best to not know his true occupation.

hooOOOWEVER, if you wish to know... When a human wants to join a religion of Cthulhu (and yes I mean religion, not the religion), they request to know more information before joining it. That's where people like Mister come in to visit them and converse with them about the terms and conditions, what it usually entails, preparations, and other things someone must know of the religion. Instead of you going to his office, he comes to your home to talk to you about it with flyers and papers to sign up with. 

His name is Mister because his real name cannot be spoken on normal tongue and can only be spoken through the mouths of his coworkers and his boss.

He was a living person in his past life, but his soul was given to the business collective. He was then given a human-shaped body to carry out his job. This guy is known to waste resources by taking more visits to earth more than he is supposed to.

His voice claim: the deeper vocals in this song