Brook [Descendants OC]



5 years, 5 months ago


Brook is the daughter of Ariel! She thinks the coolest stories about her mom are the ones where she swims headlong into danger, like escaping a fate as a shark’s lunch or hastily entering a deal with a sea witch. (Ariel absolutely does not want this to be the lasting influence she has on her daughter, but at least they’re bonding...) Brook makes a lot of uninformed decisions as a result in of this fascination, though she’s become very good at avoiding certain doom for herself. And more often than not, her impulsiveness will lead to small and harmless antics—she’s constantly dyeing her hair, for instance, and she’ll never say no to a challenge!

Although she has something of a distaste for humor (having been an easy target for aquatic jokes literally since the day she was born), she finds pretty quickly that there’s one exception; when her roommate Musanne makes jokes (which she does, so. very. often.), it’s almost... charming? How strange... what could be motivating such a self-inflicted violation of principles as this? (It’s love. Musanne and Brook are dating.)