


8 years, 29 days ago




Full name: Pinestar
Previous Names: Pinekit, Pinepaw, Pineheart
Clan: LunarClan
Previous Clan(s): ThunderClan, NightClan
Rank: Leader
Previous Ranks: Kit, Medicine Cat Apprentice, Apprentice, Warrior, Loner
Breed: Unknown
Blood: RiverClan, ShadowClan, and Kittypet (Mother's side)
Gender: Female
Age: 119 Moons
Birthplace: RiverClan Border
Don't underestimate disabilities. They'll just come back and kick you in the rear.



 • She is blind in both eyes
• Her ears are not cut up, but she has many scars on both sides of her body
• She has long and silky fur
• She has a short stature
• Although it is unknown if she really is so, she has markings of a siamese.
• She has an extra toe on her left front paw



Pinestar is usually very gentle and understanding. Although she has great wit, she is more of a strategist and would leave most of the fighting to the other leader of LunarClan, Moonstar. However, Pinestar also has a fierce side, as well. She very often gets into fights with Moonstar or others and does not hesitate to argue when she thinks that someone is wrong. Because of her age, Pinestar is known to be very wise, too. She is always there to give advice to the younger generation or even to her respected others. But because of this age, she has slowed down, and cannot always think of a solution off the bat. Despite this, she still will fight with those she doesn't agree with and still has a strong passion that keeps her living.

With her age, Pinestar doesn't do many things nowadays. She does enjoy taking walks every so often, but cannot go as far as she used to. She also loves to sunbathe, but only during leaf-bare, due to her long fur.

• Taking walks in the forest
• Talking with Brightsky
• Being around her kin

• Badgers
• Twolegs
• Terrible Smells
• Loud Noises
• Moonstar



Before the formation of TigerClan even took place, there were misunderstandings between ShadowClan and RiverClan. Specifically, Leopardstar and the future leader, Blackfoot. They would visit each other frequently at the border between their clans, and life took place. Before Pinestar was born was their first litter. Unfortunately of the two kits, only one survived, and he was ultimately abandoned, with Leopardstar thinking he was going to die from the leaf-bare cold, anyways, and that she had to continue keeping her secret with Blackfoot. It wasn't long until she was pregnant again, this time with only one kit, who was born very healthy. However, the two were unable to take care of her, for fear of what their clans would think. Again, they abandoned her, but this time in a place that she would be found and brought up.
It was ThunderClan's Graystripe that found the little she-kit. He took her to his clan, who decided to bring her up as their own. It was Graystripe that chose the name Pinekit for her. She was raised up as a ThunderClan cat, never knowing who her real parents were or who she truly was.
At about four moons old, the cats of ThunderClan began to notice something strange about Pinekit. She would not see things in front of her, would trip over her own paws, and would even run into some bushes. After examining her, Cinderpelt affirmed the clan that Pinekit was going blind.
Because of her disability of not being able to see, Bluestar had her become a medicine cat apprentice when she was six moons. This enraged little Pinepaw. She was all prepared to be a warrior and fight with her life. Although she knew that she had the ability to be a medicine cat, with the strange dreams she would have and the familiarity of the herbs, she didn't want to be a medicine cat. At first, she followed her leader's orders without a question and began her training as a medicine cat. But one day, she got frustrated and left the camp without permission. It was then that she encountered a fox that was about to invade the camp. Out of her own rage, Pinepaw did the stupid idea of attacking the fox, using what little vision she had left to assist her. She probably would have been killed if the warriors hadn't come to help out. This encounter left her with many of the scars she bore now, but she wears these scars with pride. Not because she was able to show she can live, but because she can live the life of a warrior. With this encounter, her training was changed and she was apprenticed as a warrior, with Dustpelt as her mentor. Although it was very difficult to train, especially when her vision finally failed her and she could no longer see a thing, she pushed through up to her warrior ceremony.
Before she earned her warrior name or was even that close, she went to her first gathering. Here was where the tensions began to build up. She was met face-to-face with many new cats, but she couldn't see what they looked like or compliment them. It stressed her out until the gathering finally began. When she thought she was in the clear of the tense mood, it was quickly changed when she felt a certain pair of eyes burn a hole into her. Without knowing who she was looking at, she directed her blind gaze to the source of the stare. It was the RiverClan leader, Leopardstar. Leopardstar was in complete shock to see the little she-cat, who she instantly recognized as her own daughter. And when Pinepaw was announced at the Gathering as a new apprentice, Leopardstar felt her whole world come crashing down on her. She was thankful that Blackfoot was on the ground where he could not see their daughter. Nevertheless, she was broken by the fact that her own kin was now in ThunderClan.
The fight between TigerClan and LionClan is still the hardest fight Pinestar could think of in her old age. Although it was not only the first true fight she had ever fought without her sight, it was also the fight where she learned the truth. She was never a ThunderClan cat; she never had a mother in ThunderClan or a father to play the games she played with the other kits. Why? Because her parents were from two completely different clans. Her mother had refused to fight her for two reasons; because she was too young and inexperienced to go against a leader, and because Leopardstar would not hurt her own daughter. Pinepaw was left stunned, and she didn't know what to think of at the idea. Right there, in the middle of the great battle, she was told her mother was the leader of RiverClan, and her father was Blackfoot, the deputy of ShadowClan. Had Leopardstar not be pushed back into battle, Pinepaw would have asked for more information. She just took what she got, and finished the battle more confused than she was when she went in.
Pinepaw was given the well-deserved name of Pineheart after the great battle between TigerClan and LionClan. Although her own heart swelled with pride, her mind continued to cloud her thoughts with confusion. She couldn't imagine herself ever being a RiverClan or ShadowClan cat; she was raised in ThunderClan. That night, during her silent vigil, she sat with her head down. She didn't expect anything after the great battle and the agreed peace, so her mind wandered to the idea of not even having ThunderClan blood. She heard voices in her head - voices she didn't recognize. When she looked up, she was in complete shock when he blind gaze could see a cat in front of her. The cat was very beautiful, with stars in her white and ginger pelt and her eyes showing the undying love of a mother. She greeted Pineheart and told her that she was her grandmother, Brightsky. Brightsky informed Pineheart of everything; how Leopardstar and the now Blackstar met long before TigerClan formed; how they had a tom-kit before Pineheart, who would later become a significant cat in Pineheart's life; how they left Pineheart at the ThunderClan border for her to be brought up in a happy life. Pineheart was in complete shock. She couldn't come up with the words that she wanted to say. All this time she was deceived into thinking she was where she truly belonged, and that she didn't have to question her life. Before she could ask Brightsky to tell her more, the StarClan cat vanished, and the sun began to rise above the horizon. Her silent vigil was complete.
A few moons passed, and Pineheart finally went to her next gathering. The gathering was very awkward for her, knowing that her mother and father were standing on the same rock and tensions seemed high even if they weren't. It was that night that she met someone she thought would never be important in her life; Moonpelt. Moonpelt was the one that confronted her, and Pineheart never felt more hatred for another cat. They bickered and bickered until, finally, senior warriors had to break them up so the gathering could begin. From that point on, Pineheart always had a resentment towards Moonpelt, and they could never go without an argument when they would meet.
When the clans were forced onto their journey to the new territories, Pineheart began to feel... strange. She began to feel less and less like a part of ThunderClan, and she unsure as to whether she actually felt ThunderClan anymore or what. When they came across the Tribe of Rushing Water, she was delighted to feel like she belonged for some time. She even went so far as to streak her own white fur with mud like the tribe cats. But, still, she felt like she was in the wrong place, and left with the clans. It was close to the end of their journey that she was given an omen. The pine needle falls from its tree and grows into a new one. Pineheart was completely lost; why would StarClan send a warrior an omen? Did this mean she was special? Was she actually different to the others? She couldn't wrap her head around it. She was still young; about 32 moons now. She ultimately decided to approach her old mentor, Cinderpelt, about it. She asked her mentor what it could mean, and Cinderpelt was in complete shock about the omen. Cinderpelt knew exactly what it meant; Pineheart had a destiny as a leader. But not just some ordinary leader; the leader of a new clan. Pineheart was dumbstruck, thinking that it was completely absurd. After all, she was lucky enough to be a blind warrior; a blind leader would make every StarClan warrior have bees in their brain. But as they reached the great lake and began to arrange territories, Pineheart's dreams continuously were filled with the omen and she was felt greatly pressured. By now, she was unsure who to turn to.
About five moons passed and she had settled into her new life in the new ThunderClan camp. Her mind still whirled about the unfulfilled omen, but she tried to push it out of her. She approached Cinderpelt once more about it. This time, the medicine cat's reply was completely unexpected; let's talk to StarClan themselves. Leafpool, who had just recently earned her new name, was lost about the issue, but Cinderpelt assured her it was nothing. With this, the medicine cat showed Pineheart the way to the Moonpool, where she spoke with her great ancestors in StarClan. Like many times her lifetime, Pineheart was met with Brightsky, She instantly began to question her grandmother, her mind whirling and her blind eyes searching Brightsky's gaze with anxiety. Brightsky could only laugh, and tell her the same words. The pine needle falls from its tree and grows into a new one. This time, Pineheart was finally beginning to realize it; Cinderpelt was right. Her place was not with ThunderClan, but somewhere else in the big world that they have discovered. Somewhere where she led a brand new clan. Although in complete shock, Brightsky quietly reassured her that she knew Pineheart could do it. After all, Pineheart had shown that she could do anything.
Returning from this fateful meet-up with StarClan, Pineheart instantly went to Firestar to explain. Although dismayed that he will be losing a close clanmate of his, who he remembered as the foster daughter to Graystripe, he realized that it was her destiny. He announced to the clan that she was leaving, and Pineheart decided this was a good time to tell her clan the truth. She took the stand and told them everything; who she was, who her parents really were, and that her home will always be ThunderClan. The clan accepted her, letting her know she would always be a ThunderClan warrior at heart. And, with this, Pineheart left her position as a warrior of ThunderClan forever.
Before she decided to leave the lake she barely knew, she decided it was time to confront her parents. With the help of Brambleclaw, her long-time younger friend that she would always consider a brother, she found herself in ShadowClan territory. It was a patrol that took her to the camp from there, after she explained herself and that she had business with Blackstar. Although reluctant, the ShadowClan patrol escorted the blind warrior-now-loner to ShadowClan camp. Blackstar was more than surprised to see Pineheart there. He still had not established that she was his kit. Pineheart asked him if they could speak alone, and he agreed. In his den, she explained why she was there and how she knew what he didn't. StarClan wanted her to tell him, not someone else. Blackstar was in complete shock, and when he said he didn't believe it, Pineheart used the extra toe on her paw to prove it to him. After all, he was the only cat in the four clans that had that gene, before she was born. Blackstar succumbed to reality, and he felt his eyes dilate with warmth. Never had he thought he'd actually have another kit with Leopardstar, and a beautiful one at that. With delight, she told him she had something very important to tell both him and Leopardstar, and would like them to know about it together. Blackstar didn't hesitate to say okay in understanding, returning to the serious leader role he had. He left the clan without a saying, guiding Pineheart to RiverClan. Unlike last time, they did not encounter a patrol and made it directly to RiverClan. The cats of RiverClan were in complete shock that the leader of ShadowClan would be with a warrior from ThunderClan. However, Leopardstar knew exactly why. She decided to leave Mistyfoot in charge as she left the camp with the two, and they found a comfortable place on the border between RiverClan and ShadowClan to talk. Before Pineheart could say anything, Blackstar immediately demanded why he didn't know about his daughter, and Leopardstar solemnly explained that she didn't want anything to get around the clans. Blackstar continued to argue, wondering why, then, they let their son go but their daughter live. Leopardstar argued that their son wouldn't have survived anyway. Pineheart decided to interrupt them and remind them that she was still there. They decided to shut their mouths and let her finally speak. The first thing she started with was repeating the words that haunted her for so many moons; The pine needle falls from its tree and grows into a new one. The two leaders instantly thought it sounded like a prophecy, which Pineheart affirmed. She said that she wanted to patch things up with them before she left the clans. The two instantly felt a sadness hit them as she told them she would not be staying in the clans. Pineheart explained it was her destiny to go and form her own clan to lead. They reluctantly said okay, and told her that they would always love her, no matter how far she was. With a content of a happy daughter, Pineheart finally left the lake territories for good.
With no eyes or sense to guide her, Pineheart wandered aimlessly. She didn't know where to start; did she have to find a home first, or the cats of her clan first? It was all so confusing for her, and her disability did not help her in any way. She took several moons, about two seasons until she finally came across another cat. He called himself Stormclaw, although he didn't seem to be a part of any clan. He told her how he was abandoned by his parents, but had a connection with StarClan to the point he knew he was clan-born. Pineheart was in shock, but pleased, to find another clan-born cat that could possibly even be her first cat of her new clan. Stormclaw seemed delighted to join her on her journies and be her eyes. Little did these two know what they meant to each other.
The two wandering cats finally came across a twolegplace a few sunrises later, filled with many loners and rogues along with kittypets. At first, it led to a rough life for the clan-born cats. They didn't know how to get around, were constantly avoiding twolegs, and just wanted to get out. However, it was a large and muscular rogue named Lion that saved them. He didn't exactly realize that Pineheart was blind at first, and tried to make a great first impression with her. It was Stormclaw that annoyingly told him she was blind. Although a bit dismayed that Pineheart couldn't see how cool he was, Lion just shrugged it off and introduced himself. Pineheart asked him why he lived in the twolegplace, and he only replied that he had no place else to go. So she suggested that he joined them, despite Stormclaw's many protests. For some reason, Stormclaw didn't like this tom, especially with how he tried to get Pineheart to like him. However, Lion felt delighted to become a part of her clan. Pineheart wanted to give him a warrior name, but felt she should wait to do so when she was named a leader under StarClan's approval. With this, Lion was the second member of Pineheart's clan.
Lion and Pineheart quickly got closer as they continued on their journey, much to Stormclaw's dismay. When they came across another twolegplace, about two moons after the first one, Pineheart was very hesitant. Having to rely on her ears and nose a lot, she didn't like the strange smells and the loud noises in twolegplaces. Lion assured her he'd be there for her, and she reluctantly agreed to go in. There, they met three cats; Black, Silver, and Light. The first two, brothers apparently, started off very hostile. However, Light felt a strange connection, and snapped at the boys to stop. Pineheart mentioned how she was on a journey to form a clan, and she was looking for cats to join. She mentioned how she met Stormclaw and Lion and they had agreed to join. Light gave her a questioning look, saying that Stormclaw and her looked so alike, they would seem as if they came together. Pineheart, in total shock, was reminded of the long lost brother she never knew and asked Stormclaw if he knew his parents. He hesitantly replied that he knew they were leaders of their clans, but nothing more. Pineheart informed him of everything, and the two later came to realize they were brother and sister, and finally found each other after so many seasons have gone by.
The trio spent some time with the loners, gaining their trust and wisdom. Pineheart was delighted to know that they wanted to join her clan. She thought of Light as the perfect medicine cat, as she seemed to know herbs very well and could gain a connection with StarClan. Around this same time, Pineheart also found out she was pregnant with Lion's litter. She knew that her clan was thriving, and it was time to find a place to settle down and meet with StarClan. The six cats left the twolegplace behind, and set out for a vast forest not far away - probably four sunrises off. The travel seemed really hard on Pineheart. Not only because of her blindness but Lion's constant worrying for her pregnancy and her getting sick every so often. This caused them to take six sunrises to get there, but when they did, they were not disappointed. It was a beautiful area. A stream traveled throughout the forest and, although the forest was thin, there was a great moor nearby. The first thing that Pineheart wanted to find, however, was where she could talk with StarClan.
Despite her blindness, Pineheart felt StarClan pulling her towards them. She followed the great stream upstream, where she came across a great cave. In the cave, the stream passed through but glittered with a brilliant glow. The other five cats were in complete amazement, having never seen anything like it before. Pineheart, without another hesitation, crouched down and touched her nose to the surface, where the cold water encased her muzzle. She closed her eyes and felt herself fall into a deep sleep where she crouched. When she opened her eyes next, she could see the pelts of the StarClan warriors, and she knew her journey had ended. Right there, by the sides of her new companions and the StarClan warriors, Pinestar received her nine lives and was officially named Pinestar. She declared her clan as NightClan, and vowed to lead it with a courage no cat has had in the past. StarClan knew that they made the right choice.
Pinestar returned and, as her first duty of leader, gave the loners their new names. She decided to keep Stormclaw's, but Lion and the others had to change. She started with Lion, and named him Lionstripe for the stripes that Stormclaw described him with. Lionstripe instantly teased her about naming him after what she couldn't see, and she instantly got annoyed with her mate. It was because of this that she refuses to give a cat a suffix of appearance anymore. She next gave Light the name of Lightherb, and pronounced her the medicine cat of NightClan. She told Lightherb she will speak with StarClan when they are done, and Lightherb felt embarrassed that she was given such a great role. She then named the brothers, who she ultimately decided should have the same suffix. They were named Blackfang and Silverfang for their fierce personalities. And, when that was done, Pinestar appointed Blackfang her deputy, shocking the black tom. He didn't think he was worthy, but Pinestar disagreed, saying he was the most worthy of it. And with this, NightClan began its story.
NightClan continued to thrive as more loners and even kittypets that came across them would come and join the clan. It wasn't long after that Pinestar had given birth to her and Lionstripe's kits. Unfortunately, one of the two kits was stillborn, but the other mewed with a liveliness that Pinestar had never expected. She named the she-kit Dreamkit, after the many dreams that led to this great future. Lionstripe teased Pinestar for the name at first, but she only retorted that he didn't couldn't come up with anything better, and he later agreed. However, Pinestar's luck streak was cut short when Lionstripe went on patrol with two of the new cats, Clovertail and Willowsun, but never came back with the two she-cats. They said they had lost him in the fog of the musky morning, and by the time it had cleared up, he was long gone. Pinestar fell into a great depression after this and shut herself into her den with Dreamkit to nurse. However, she later realized she couldn't do this, and could only pray that StarClan would bring her mate back to her as she continued to lead her clan.
Six moons passed and there was no sign of Lionstripe. Dreamkit earned her apprentice name of Dreampaw, and she ultimately wanted to become the clan's second medicine cat, much to Lightherb's delight. In the six moons of Lionstripe's absence, Pinestar had become seemingly close with her deputy, Blackfang, as he continued to comfort her in the difficult times. Their happiness was cut short when a patrol came rushing into camp saying they were ambushed. Pinestar was the first to investigate, and she came across another group of cats. She didn't recognize the scent of any of them at first, but then one that seemed to stand out caught her nose, and her heart clenched with a familiar hatred; Moonpelt. Without a second thought, Pinestar barged in and went straight for the scent, demanding to know what was going on. Moonpelt also grew tense at the sight of Pinestar, and the whole air filled up with tension. Moonpelt explained that StarClan had granted her the gift of leading a clan, MoonClan, and that her named was Moonstar. Pinestar narrowed her eyes, telling the now Moonstar that she was given the same privilege and that this area was their territory. Moonstar told her they could share, and Pinestar very reluctantly agreed. After all, it made it feel like home. Medicine cat meetings and gatherings were formed, and borders were made. It reminded her of the old clans. But that peace did not last long.
Border-crossing and even rules began to get broken. With the tensions between the two leaders, the clans fell into war. It was a rough outcome, and both clans suffered losses. This was not what StarClan had wanted; they wanted the two leaders to overcome their differences and live in peace. That was when they sent both of the leaders the same prophecy; War and blood blind the blinded, but the eyes of its leader will unite the opposing forces. Out of confusion, Pinestar went to Lightherb, who was also lost on the prophecy. It was the first one she had to deal with, and it made no sense to her. Pinestar could understand clearly that war and blood meant the current battle between NightClan and MoonClan, but she couldn't say who the blinded were. Pinestar took an ultimate risk to confront Moonstar about it at the next Gathering. When she did, Moonstar confessed she had the same prophecy, and that it clearly had something to do with their clans. Pinestar repeated the last part in her mind, and wondered in StarClan wanted the two clans to become one clan. At first, Moonstar called it absurd and dismissed it, but a moon later when another border skirmish broke out and caused a MoonClan warrior to lose his life, Moonstar realized this could be true. She went to Pinestar, and together they went to the Moonstream to confirm their possibilities. After a long discussion with StarClan, the two leaders went to the clans and immediately told them to meet in the gathering place for a very important meeting. One that would change every cat's life.
When the two clans gathered together, the leaders took one last look to look at them separately before announcing the biggest announcement possible; their clans will be merging into one, big clan. At first, the separate clans were both confused and outraged, but the leaders gave them the proof and the words StarClan told them. With reluctant agreement, the newly-formed clan was named LunarClan. Unlike other clans, it remained led by two leaders and consisted of three medicine cats. By now, Dreampaw had gotten her name Dreampool. The beginning of LunarClan also led to the beginning of Pinestar and Blackfang's lives connecting, when Pinestar found out she was pregnant with his kits. Although they were delighted, Moonstar was completely outraged that a leader would have kits and risk her leadership. This was the first of many arguments between the two leaders, but Pinestar did not mind. She just knew that this was her new life and that they would make it work somehow.
Pinestar gave birth to two kits for her first litter with Blackfang. However, like the first time, one was stillborn, and Pinestar felt that it was a curse put on her. Although she didn't notice it, Blackfang did; the black spots that formed the image of a cat on their son's back. Pinestar thought for a moment, and believed the spirits of both of their kits were in this tom, and named him Lostkit. Lostkit was a lot more rambunctious to care for than Dreampool was, but it made Pinestar's life happy and full of energy, despite her age of 67 moons.
She gave Fernfire, a fiesty and stubborn she-cat, the privilege to mentor Lostpaw when he was six moons old. Fernfire gave Lostpaw a lot of grief with her attitude, but this told Pinestar that Lostpaw would be a great asset to LunarClan. When he was old enough and ready to be a warrior, she named him Lostspirit, in memory of his deceased brother.
Pinestar went on to have another litter with Blackfang, after all of her hope was lost that Lionstripe would return. She gave birth to who is now Frostfire, Lynxfoot, and Nightberry; the litter where all of her kits had survived. By then, she had started to show in her age, with her fur starting to thin and her thoughts taking longer to process. She realized that it would probably be a burden for an old and blind cat to be leading LunarClan, but Moonstar refused to continue her own leadership without Pinestar. So, they continued to lead together.
One day, a patrol that Blackfang led had come back with grave injuries after a badger attack. Blackfang had succumbed to the injuries along with his age and passed away. Pinestar was lost in hopeless grief at the loss of her mate and trusty deputy, and she felt her whole world crash down onto her. Before she went into her moon of despair that she had with Lionstripe, she named a young but worthy warrior, Speckleblaze, her new deputy. She knew that, although he is young, he is an excellent stradegist and would be an excellent leader alongside Cedarpelt, Moonstar's deputy. After this, she locked herself up, asking Moonstar to give her time to grieve. Although annoyed with it, Moonstar didn't object, knowing that Pinestar needed that time to get on her feet.
Nowadays, Pinestar is back up and running her half of LunarClan again. Unfortunately, she is very old, and will most likely succumb to her old age soon. She is currently on her last life, which does not make it any easier for the old leader. She has a hard time getting up and laying down, and cannot take long walks like she used to. She's usually always accompanied by her son, Lynxfoot, who has a very strong bond with his mother. Despite her age, she does still have a blazing passion in her heart, and can never stop arguing with Moonstar about what's right and what's wrong.


Mother: Leopardstar
Father: Blackstar
Adopted Mother: Unknown
Brother(s): Stormclaw
Sister(s): N/A

Mate: N/A
Previous Mate(s): Lionstripe and Blackfang
Daughter(s): Dreampool, Nightberry
Son(s): Lostspirit, Lynxfoot, Frostfire


Pinestar and Moonstar lead LunarClan together. They are well known for working well together, but they also have a lot of differences with each other. This is mainly due to their history; Pinestar was raised in ThunderClan and Moonstar, ShadowClan. Because of their different upbringings and seeings in the battlefield long ago, they don't agree with each other on many things and often bicker about a lot of stuff. In the end, however, Pinestar deeply cares for Moonstar and trusts her. She considers Moonstar as her closest friend, despite all of their differences, and hopes that Moonstar will continue to lead LunarClan well for when Pinestar passes on.

BLACKFANG | Former Mate | (Deceased)
Blackfang was originally one of the hardest cats for Pinestar to ever get along with. When she first met him and wanted him to be her deputy in the previous NightClan, they could never get along about anything. It was Lightherb that mentioned they were actually a lot alike, and after getting past their differences, could be great friends. This was proven true as Pinestar began to have the upmost respect for Blackfang and they naturally grew closer. They later became mates and had two litters; one with Lostspirit and the other with their last kits, Nightberry, Lynxfire an Frostfoot. Now that Blackfang is deceased, it has become very hard for Pinestar to cope and she can feel both the heartbreak and her age set in. She knows that she will see Blackfang again in StarClan when the time comes, though.

LIGHTHERB | Best Friend
Pinestar has a very close relationship with Lightherb. The two often talk to each other about a lot of things, including how stupid toms can be and even about herbs. Lightherb helps Pinestar relax and even takes the leader back to her old days in the medicine den with Cinderpelt. She always comes to Lightherb when she needs advice and assistance, and feels really lucky to have found her to be her best friend through her many hard times.

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