


5 years, 25 days ago


Faba Woolacott

  • Species Woolynes
  • Age Teen
  • Pronouns She/Her
  • Orientation Questioning
  • Class/Element Forger/Sol
  • Is mute, usually does sign to talk.
  • Likes all things related to princesses. Dreams to become one.
  • Sneaks into the tavern often for the hot gossip.
  • Is taller than her brother, often mistaken as the older one.

Faba may look like a scary and fierce woolyne but she's just a sweet kit dreaming of becoming a princess. Of course, much like her brother, she is a menace and a prankster at heart. Still, she can be a princess even of she causes a little mayhem right?

Though she is a nice woolyne, she doesn't have that many friends as they are often intimidated by her terrifying look.

Super talkative! She starts signing super fast when she's talking about her fave things.



Coming from a line of very fluffy woolies, Faba and Aries share a natural trait of just being super fluffy. Lucky for her, she was blessed with a more tamable fluff that grows slower. Her days in Orilon is filled with her helping out the local tavern to serve drinks and what not. Her spare time she uses to learn how to be a princess or practicing her forger skills in Sol magic. Faba was born mute, so she signs to talk to her brother who would often help translate her words. But she can't have her brother around all the time, so she would bring a notepad by her side.

Faba may be a sweeter kitten nowadays thanks to her brother's care, but she has a bad temper still. She's learning to use this temper in other ways, such as healing and kicking haybales but sometimes her fuse breaks before she could stop it and it scares others. It was because of her tantrum that destroyed the festival's barn that scared most woolyne her age to ever befriend her. Faba acts all tough and mighty, pretending that those kittens didn't hurt her feelings, but deep down, she feels lonely and hates that she's only friends with her family and her teacher. She wishes she could play along with kits her age.