


5 years, 2 months ago


Basic Rundown: Pandora is really childish, over excited, trusting, and just a cheery person. She likes to read at the library, though she doesn't know there's a difference between the fiction and nonfiction books.  She hunts animals with her bow and sucks their blood, so she doesn't have to suck humans blood. She lives in a cottage in the forest (cottagecore uwu). She's really interested in humans and learning about them.

Artist Notes:
-She's a vampire, so don't forget her fangs!
-Please don't forget her arm cuffs! She always wears them! (she burnt her wrists in the sun once)
-She always wears her cape during the day to help protect against the sunlight!
-She also wears her mask when she goes in public around humans so they don't get scared of her fangs!!
-She really likes medieval dresses, so feel free to dress her up in them. She knows how to make them so go crazy!!
-For vampire things: she can fly, sunlight hurts, fangs, can suck blood. she can't turn into a bat though!



Personality: Pandora is very bubbly and wholesome. She can sometimes come off as a little reserved, but this is not true. If she seems like she isn't talking, she is most likely people watching. Humans are very interesting to her, and so she loves watching how they act. If you approach her, or she just gets bored, she'll be very friendly. She is extremely nice to a point where she's constantly trying to lift others up, even if others are joking or being sarcastic to a person. Of course, constantly looking after others has caused her to forget to care for herself, and so she may not be the most emotionally stable. Her kindness has also lead to her being a bit.. gullible. She doesn't always understand why people would lie, as people in all those books aren't so bad. Not living with human culture has her constantly trying to figure out how they work. Being a vampire, it's easy for her to fit in, as her humanoid features aren't as prominent as others. 

Pandora may be a vampire, but she is surprisingly very friendly and nice! She covers her mouth and nose with her mask to make sure she doesn’t impulsively bite people. 

She is 23 years old in human years, but her actual age is 237. She grew up around humanoids, as humans aren't accepting of all the humanoids as of now.

She also has an older brother, Cedar, who is 25 in human years.

She is an archer, and has a very pretty white bow with red jewels encrusted into it. She hunts wild animals, and well uh sucks their blood, as she still does need blood, considering she’s a vampire. 

She has mystical red eyes, and wears a red cloak during the day to shield her from the sun. Underneath the red cloak, or what she wears at night, is a strapless black dress. You can see the string in the middle crisscrossing back and forth, which gives it an almost medieval feel. She wears brown boots and brown arm cuffs as well!

She lives in a cottage in the forest, not too far from a village. 

 She is in love with this girl Robin, although they're pretty different. Robin is very tough and stubborn, and is a type of chaotic good. She'll get in fights with people if they're doing the wrong thing and won't listen to her, while Pandora would just apologize and go on her way. Oh, another thing to note is is that Robin is human. SO, Cedar greatly disapproves of this relationship, and he's constantly trying to tell her to snap out of it. She doesn't listen.

Robin eventually moves in with Pandora, and everything seems perfect. robin also proposes to Pandorawho delightfully says yes. Suddenly, Robin is murdered one day. Pandora is devastated, but also infuriated. She blames Cedar, but he claims he wouldn't stoop that low. She takes her mask off and her eyes turn to blood red as she tries to figure out who would take away the person who she loved. After lots of research and investigating, she figures out who it is.