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5 years, 27 days ago


Reyes Matson

Making webcomics
Saving people
Getting beat up
When someone gets hurt
Animal cruelty

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc sodales orci in augue efficitur vehicula. Maecenas vitae pretium massa. Nullam eros erat, tristique id turpis in, luctus tempus nunc. Praesent volutpat, lectus id volutpat viverra, arcu ex fringilla nisi, vel feugiat nulla orci vel elit. Quisque sit amet scelerisque lorem. Phasellus pulvinar nulla a tellus rutrum viverra.

Nunc ac accumsan nisi. Vestibulum viverra feugiat diam vel rhoncus. Quisque quam elit, sollicitudin ac turpis et, imperdiet imperdiet sapien. Nulla feugiat dui erat, ac eleifend turpis scelerisque a. Etiam id lacus lorem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce tempor massa at mi laoreet condimentum. Cras molestie ipsum a quam pharetra pharetra. Nulla ut sapien porttitor, maximus tortor et, vulputate dui. Suspendisse sodales nisl at vehicula malesuada. Cras vel libero pharetra, volutpat lectus vel, rhoncus enim. Phasellus eget lectus interdum, ornare 

lorem vitae, commodo libero. Aenean dapibus eros quis lacus hendrerit efficitur. Aenean lobortis scelerisque nisl, in rutrum diam maximus eu. In a placerat turpis, in condimentum odio. Cras id risus nisl.

Appearance: Reyes is an Hispanic-Irish twenty year old webcomic artist, he has light brown skin with dark brown eyes and light brunette hair that falls passed his chin and is always a wavy mess. He has full lips and a wide nose with light freckles on his nose that are barely visible in the winter time; when the sun comes out so do his freckles - his hair also gets a reddish tint to it when light shines on it from the sun. Despite his skin tone; Reyes also has been known to end up with sun burn from time to time.

He is 6'2" with long limbs that make him worthy of having been bit by a tarantula; he is slender with not much muscle to him despite how agile he is. 

Reyes keeps true to the color of his spider; he wears a dark blue costume with light blue markings on his chest, legs, mask and arms, his spider symbol is on his side and is a pale yellow that matches markings on his forehead, his boots and gloves are the same color as the spider symbol on his side along with the circles around his eyes.

When he's not fighting crime, he's often wearing hipster styled clothing that is covered in paint or charcoal from working all day; along with paint all over his arms and often in his hair as well. 

Spider: Greenbottle Blue Tarantula

Birthday: November 24th







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