Rainbow Hematite



5 years, 2 months ago


    Fusion is a great many different things to a great many different  gems. It can be a tool, a weapon, and even an expression of love. But in  the laboratories of Homeworld, fusion became something else. Fluorite  is a gem shard fusion of six different gems, and cannot even remember  whom any of those gems were. She's been trying to learn as much as she  can about fusion in hopes of one day separating herself into the gems  she once was. One thing she hasn't really seen that much of on Homeworld  however, are permafusions. Sterling is an incredible oddity among the  specimens that Fluorite has seen, and one with the exact opposite goal  as her. To both Sterling and Fluorite, the other seems like something  incredible. Both are unions, but both are unions of a completely  different sort. They could learn so much from each other.

     Rainbow Hematite (Bow) is a tall multicolored fusion with an incredible  amount of limbs dotted around her body. She has eight arms and four  legs, and has incredible manual dexterity in controlling each limb  separately. Each one is just as competent as the other with the only  difference being some are longer. All across her body, on her arms legs  and stomach, are dozens and dozens of eyes. Each inky black eye darts  about independently, looking for and watching anything that could be of  note or interest. Bow is a fusion that is less of a single being, and  more of a perfect council of eight different beings. Her voice is a  harmonious song, and her mind is a meeting of many different views and  ideas. This makes her somewhat slow to speak and answer, as all her  minds must come to consensus before she commits to any word, but it also  makes her an almost unmatched empath. She can find something in anyone  that she can relate to, and empathize with. Beyond this though, Bow has  the power to literally see the bonds between people. Just by glancing at  someone, she can see vibrant strands of light linking them to others.  In crowded places, it is almost like she is walking through a gleaming  spider web of interconnected relations. With Sterling being an  incredibly stable permafusion, it helps to bring some of Fluorite's more  chaotic attributes into rein. It is not perfect however, and Bow is  still a relatively unstable fusion. She can rarely hold herself together  for more than a few hours at most.