Vitril Lussac



5 years, 2 months ago


Basic Info

BLOOD CASTE Mongoose (#BE9C7C)
AGE 10 sweeps (~21 human years)
TROLL TAG reapersGamut
SIGIL Sulfuric Acid
OCCUPATION Junker / Junkyard Artist
  • N/A
HIVE Cave system beneath an area of the planet’s desert terrain, dug out by his lusus. Frequently experiences cave-ins or expansions from said lusus constantly burrowing. Owns a junkyard on the territory closest to the city limits.
LUSUS Deathworm
INTERESTS Vitril takes a lot of pride in his metalworks, finding comfort in being able to create with his powers. He has an interest in interior decorating, though it’s honestly just him moving his pieces out of the junkyard and into his house. Otherwise, he gets really invested in the dramas Tassel acts out.
  • Doubles all "h"'s.
  • Every word that starts with "s" is followed by an ellipses of four "....".
  • All lowercase, no other punctuation.

RG: hhey lets just stop…. and talk for like four minutes because thhats all i can stomach….

CLASSPECT Knight of Doom


ISTP | 5w4

Vitril’s personality can be as acerbic as his powers. He’s a very socially awkward person with a poor filter, saying whatever comes to mind. A fairly sullen man, Vitril tends towards pessimism when encountered with any situation. He is making small steps towards correcting this though, finding new purpose in his matesprit and attempting to revitalize old friendships. This doesn’t stop Vit’s fears from holding him back that he can easily relapse back into bad habits, having a history of screwing things up with the people he cares about and running from his problems. Because of this, he’s extremely protective of those he cares about, even shielding them from himself. Especially himself.

  Good/Neutral traits

  • supportive, loving
  • usually mature
  • creative, inventive
  • protective, committed, loyal

  Negative Traits

  • self-isolating
  • pretentious
  • pessimistic, always assumes the worst outcome
  • blunt, lacks a decent filter
  • doesn't do well with other people, loner



  Tassel Vitali

There is nothing in the world that Vitril wouldn’t do for Tassel. Being the only person that’s shown an understanding of him and brought a sense of peace to his life, Vitril deeply appreciates him. He feels a sense of structure with Tassel and wants to be a pillar of support for them. He’s completely smitten with her, but past experiences with relationships cause Vitril to be overly cautious in their interactions.

  Kalmak Alkali (Ex)

Ex-kismesis. Their relationship was extremely turbulent by the end and they can hardly be in the same room with each other anymore.



  Volvik Ampole

Ex-matesprit and best friend. They go way back and are close again, but have a complicated history that feeds into Vitril’s constant guilt complex.

  Tofana Tyrius

Extremely uncomfortable around Tofana. She vehemently dislikes him - after their friend group had a nuclear fallout once Vitril and her best friend, Kalmak, broke up in a not-so-gentle manner, Tofana has been the most venomous towards Vitril with just about every aspect of his life. She cannot stand to be in the same room as him without making disparaging comments and him taking them quietly only aggravates her more. Before the breakup, they were good friends though.

  Amiata Almadi

Despite the infighting in their group, Alma has no ill will towards Vitril and will still sometimes come to see him. He’s both dismayed and pleased by this. Vitril is appreciative of the company but doesn’t enjoy Alma’s usual selective blindness. Normally will dig through his junkyard for interesting finds.