Oliver Harper King



5 years, 2 months ago


Oliver Harper King

Nickname(s) or Alias: Ollie

Gender: Non-binary

Species: human

Age: 18

Birthday: Sagittarius, December 5

Sexuality: ??

Nationality: Mixed, Black (mom) & white (dad) <- dad leaves


City or town of birth: Silverbay

Currently lives: With their older brother, in silverbay

Languages spoken: English

Native language: ??

Relationship Status: ??


Height: 5'7''

Weight: 145


Hair colour: Brown

Hairstyle: Undercut, fluffy on top

Facial Hairstyle: None

Eye colour: Brown

Skin/fur/etc colour: Almond?????

Tattoos: Self done, arrow on their thumb

Piercings: Ears

Scars/distinguishing marks: Freckle on his iris

Preferred style of clothing: Baggy, overalls, shorts, tennis shoes

Frequently worn jewelry/accessories: none


Describe their childhood (newborn - age 10): Lived with their mom and dad, when Ollie was around 3 or 4 their parents split and their dad left along with their younger half sister, who was born out of an affair with another woman. Ollie's mom and the other woman wanted nothing to do with their dad, so they all went their separate ways. After that they moved from apartment to apartment. Every so often they would receive Christmas or birthday cards in the mail, but they eventually stopped. Ollie's dad is nothing more than a blurry memory at this point, scarcely mentioned and rarely talked about. 

Describe their  teenage years (11 - 19): Once Ollie was 17 and their brother was 19-20, they moved out and got a house of their own. Ollie has a backyard and a green house all to their self, and even though they don't speak to their parents too much, Ollie still wants to be in contact. They only want to meet their father and sister once. 

Describe their  adult years (20+):


Smoker? No!

Drinker? No!

Recreational Drug User? Which?  Occasional weed, whenever someone offers

Addictions: Caffeine

Allergies: Eggs

Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities: Dyslexia

Any medication regularly taken: Nope


Personality: Reserved, but willing to make friends, if they like you. Absolute chatter box if they're really comfortable with you. Loves the outdoors and all animals. 

Likes: Chickens, flowers, the outdoors, hiking

Dislikes: Sweets

Fears/phobias: Heights, open bodies of water that they can't see through

Favourite colour: Green and yellow

Hobbies: Gardening, 

Taste in music: Soft, alternative


Talents/skills: Green thumb, can sketch really well

Ability to drive a car? Operate any other vehicles? 


Omnivore/Carnivore/Herbivore (Vegetarian): Vegetarian

Favourite food(s): 

Favourite drink(s): Lemonade

Disliked food(s): Sweet

Disliked drink(s): Soda


Describe the character's house/home: One story house, lives with their older brother, massive backyard for housing plants and a garden. Greenhouse for seedlings

Do they share their home with anyone? Who? Their older brother

Significant/special belongings: 


Level of education: Highschool senior, silverbay academy

Qualifications: Babey

Current job title and description: none

Name of employer:


Parents names: 

Are parents alive or dead? One alive, one unknown

Is the character still in contact with their parents? Not really

Siblings? Relationship with siblings? yes! very close with their older brother

Other Important Relatives: Younger sister, dad that left

Partner/Spouse: ???

Children: nope

Best Friend: ???

Other Important Friends: Will

Acquaintances: Ken 

Pets: Big kitty named   Joufflu (Jeff)

Enemies? Why are they enemies? Erin, reasons unknown