Mitsuo Kobayashi



5 years, 1 month ago


➳name; mitsuo kobayashi

➳alias; felinus

➳age; 15

➳gender; male

➳sexuality; pansexual

➳crush; none / open

➳affiliation; heroes

➳class; 1-b

➳fur; black & white

➳eyes; sky blue

➳height; 3'7

➳weight; 57 lbs

➳quirk; cat - his quirk is very self explanatory and easy to see given his appearance. with this quirk he has all abilities that a cat would have. this makes him rather agile and hard to catch but also he has claws and fangs to protect himself. mitsuo also can fall from high places and land on his feet with ease. he has an easy time sneaking around and has no trouble hiding away when he must. this makes him well suited for stealth and rescuing although he isn't capable of carrying any average sized person. he has a knack for climbing and can scale anything he can dig his claws into. this cat boy also has habits that cats often have including cleaning his own fur with his tongue, purring when he's being pet and being quite nocturnal. his quirk has many disadvantages though. for one he lacks any kind of range, but often makes up with this with using weapons and other tools. another weakness is his size although it could be a strength as well. however given his small stature he struggles to help others out of trouble and he may be hard to hit, but it is easy to trap him in small areas or even lock him in pet cages


strength - 2/5

speed - 5/5

technique - 3/5

intelligence - 5/5

cooperation - 4/5

➳personality; mitsuo is a curious soul who tends to be far too talkative for his own good. he really does not know how to shut up and will ramble on which annoys people quite often. in many ways it can be seen as the opposite of how people think of cats. he loves to be in people's company and hates to be alone. because of this he tends to cling to people easily and is quick to consider people his friends even though they might not like him all too much. although he is rather gleeful and easy going, mitsuo does struggle with fitting in among others. this is simply due to how much is quirk makes him stand out in a crowd. he also has to deal with being considered a child rather than a teenager which puts him off. as much as he does not mind being different than the others, he constantly is claiming that he is a normal teenager like the rest of his classmates are. all he wants is to fit in and be accepted among others rather than being looked down upon because he is more animal like than others are. beyond that though, mitsuo is very laid back and easy to get along with. he is always willing to listen to those around him and will take it upon himself to comfort those in need if he must. he is a trustworthy ally and is quite smart to boot. given his quirk, he has to make up for his lack of strength somehow and that is with his intelligence. he is very tactful and can think up plans on the fly. he is very knowledgeable and tends to pick up on others quirks rather easy. he is a great support ally in combat though he is more than capable to fight. he hates when people claim he is useful and will get very defensive over such which leads him to spit out insults that he may not mean. usually he is quick to apologize when he realizes he is in the wrong. one thing that mitsuo fears is small spaces and he often freaks out when forced in to them although his quirk makes him able to. he also finds it annoying to be pet, but secretly he likes that kind of attention. overall mitsuo is a lively cat boy ready to take on whatever is put before him