Hyeon-Tae Kim



8 years, 11 days ago

Basic Info


Kim, Hyeon-Tae (Hyeon)






Aspiring Star / Cafe Worker / Unemployed / Cafe Owner


Introduction: Falling Star

Hyeon's story starts when he's young, a growing teenager with what he thinks are the biggest, brightest dreams. Ever since he was young, Hyeon always loved the world of Korean Pop Stars. At the age of 14 he aspired to become one. Being a slightly arrogant boy, Hyeon always thought that he had the most powerful voice and the greatest determination. Even at his young age, Hyeon had a towering hubris and developed a habit of flirting with... everyone. In his quest to become a star, he would end up flirting with a lot of people, girls and boys alike. This earned him quite a poor reputation. His unruly behavior and high-and-mightly attitude (even though he didn't come from a family of particularly high social standing) eventually became his downfall and he lost every chance to become the star he dreamed of becoming.

Part 1: The Onsil Cafe

After all of his foolish behavior, Hyeon realized he was growing up. When he turned 22, Hyeon moved away and decided that he would live a humble life of cafe service instead. As a product of his year of job hunting, he found a job at a cafe called the Onsil Cafe. There, he was employed as a server. Even though it wasn't the life of cameras and thrones like he'd wanted, he found that he was quite content in his work.

Time went on and Hyeon grew to love the Onsil Cafe. It seemed that everyone brushed aside his flirtatious habits, accepting him for them, and he made many new friends including Hwa-Young, Lia, and Cheul-Soo. Whether it was enjoying a snack in the serving room of the cafe or getting drunk on a Monday night and spilling all of his sadness out to his co-workers, it was an amazing time. Hyeon held a job at the Onsil Cafe for six months.

Part 2: Relapse

Hyeon-tae was always a foolish boy, and he grew into a foolish man too. After six months, we found himself captivated by the prospects of stardom once more. This time, he had become aware of his hubris in his previous attempt. At age 24, a half year after being fired from Onsil Cafe, Hyeon set off to try and become a star again.

This time, it was different. The old Hyeon who trashed criticism and fiddled with girls' hearts was gone. The gossip followed him only a short way before everyone realized that the arrogant boy who came in 10 year prior was long gone. Becoming aware of his flaws, Hyeon took all criticism much too much to heart now. Every correction was a stab at his self confidence. He couldn't tease girls anymore like he used to, and the longer he stayed in the industry, the more and more miserable Hyeon became.

It became evident that he would never debut. He was out of practice, unfit to move so quickly anymore. With every step, the more and more he felt like he was doing something wrong. Having been miserable ever since he decided to re-pursue his dream, Hyeon decided to quit for the second time and pursue the occupation he knew would make him happy.

Part 3: Nostalgic Wish 

Hyeon couldn't return to Onsil Cafe now. By the time he quit the industry, he was 26 and found that three years apart from it was too much to blend back in quietly. He had been fired, after all, and doubted that he could have the same experience with his new personality. He'd morphed into a shy, lanky, quiet man. Knowing this, he took the remains of the money he'd raised in his previous efforts and opened his own Cafe: Kkoch (꽃) Cafe. "The flower (kkoch 꽃) bloomed so quickly in the greenhouse (onsil 온실)."

For the rest of his days, Hyeon will live out his life at his own cafe. Eventually, his self-confidence increases again and he becomes the same goofy flirt as always. He serves cutomers day in and day out, all by himself. When he's alone, he likes to sit by himself with the flowers and daydream about the happiness he felt at the Onsil Cafe that summer long, long ago.


*Throughout the course of his story, Hyeon turns from 14 to 26+. However, he is usually drawn in his age/clothes from when he worked at Onsil Cafe (age 23).

**There's also an angsty ending where Hyeon's Kkoch Cafe goes out of business as he ages and he never manages to find a wife so he dies alone, but I chose not to write that.