Harvey Pearson



5 years, 2 months ago


"I want to teach you a lesson
In the worst kind of way
Still, I'd trade all my tomorrows
For just one yesterday"


Harvey is a very ambitious and stubborn police officer.
Once he has made up his mind there is no stopping him, so one might as well just concentrate on damage control. His ethics used to be quite shady for someone in his position, being involved in the drug business and a range of other illegal stuff. He changed after his best friend got shot and sent into a coma, leaving the street lifestyle and joining the police force to become an undercover investigator, subjecting himself to a very stressful high risk-high reward system as a way of making up for the friends and family he has lost.
He still enjoys having fun though and one might argue that his attraction to danger has worsened since becoming an officer, a statement he will always deny but knows deep down to be true.


Harvey is a fit, athletic man with a slender hip, chocolate brown, wavy hair he wears as a sidecut, three discreet piercings on his right ear and bright, hazel eyes that glow golden in the sun. When he's not in uniform (which is quite often due to the high amount of undercover- and detective-work he does) he wears dark, mostly black pants and comfortable shoes, a long shirt and some form of jacket, usually with his sleeves rolled up. He also uses a white watch he wears on his left wrist and occasionally adds a chain to his belt.


  •  He is very proficient in muay thai
  •  He had a twin brother that died young
  •  He was a criminal before joining the force
  •  He's not very academical, which made studying to get through school and the academy pretty hard for him
  •  He was quite the tennis talent as a kid


  •  Sports, especially ball sports
  •  Animals, especially birds
  •  Danger - gimme that adrenalin
  •  Quiet rivers
  •  The feeling of outsmarting someone


  •  Being lied to, in any way
  •  People getting hurt because of him
  •  Being asked about his family
  •  Being on a boat, he gets seasick easily
  •  That he survived and his brother didn't


Harvey Jonathan Pearson


'Blue Rat'










Police Departement


lawful, thrill-seaking

Born (Zodiac)







Police Officer






major city


chocolate brown, wavy, sidecut


bright golden, hazel














Before Life Began

Harvey's family started out like a dream.
His mother was a witty young woman named Celina that worked as an architect. While spending a few days away from home to supervise a project, she ate something regional in a restaurante one night and asked to see the cook so she could compliment him on his skills. It turns out that on that specific day, the cook's souschef was in charge of the kitchen and when he came outside as requested, Celina could barely focus on what she wanted to tell him. His exhausted, but proud smile let her melt away and she waisted no time asking on what days he would be working there.
A few years later, when Celina and her now-boyfriend Eike found out that they were going to become parents, they couldn't be happier. Making job and family work out was tough, but they found a way with the help of their families and friends. Nine months later little Nicole was born and it was like the world suddenly turned its lights on. The little girl was like a small little star, always laughing, barely any screaming at all, immediately winning over everyone that came to see the new baby.
It was hardly a surprise when Celina found herself pregnant once again after just two years - the surprise still came in the end though, when it turned out that she was actually expecting twins. When the fateful day finally came and the kids were out and healthy, the two boys were named Louis and Harvey.


Harvey grew up in the nice part of town. He lived in a new house his parents had built with his sweet, protective big sister, his smart, fierce mom, his funny, creative dad and his talented, outgoing twin-brother.
The two boys were always especially close, sharing a love for sports and many of their academic interests and dislikes. They were both playing tennis together and had quiet the talent, though one could argue that Louis was always that deciding little bit better. They were both highly sociable, fitting in well with their classmates and never seeing the truly ugly side of life. When they moved to the next school at age ten, they got to know a boy named Oliver and became inseperable almost instantly. The trio was glued together through their entire teens, even though Oliver always expressed more restraint than his two friends, actually being one year older than them.
Despite Harvey's mediocre work ethic, school went well enough and he and his brother also became quite the name in their local sports field, with especially Louis winning match after match.

It's Downhill From Here

When Harvey was 14, he and Louis were walking to the car with their dad after a tournament when a guy that was high on drugs crashed into them with his pick-up truck. Harvey walked away with a broken arm and some sprained ribs, but the trauma to Louis' head was too severe. He died in the hostipal after a few days.
For Harvey it felt like his life dropped into a void.
He completely ignored school and the teachers trying to help him, barely spoke at all to his parents who were suffering just like he was and lashed out at his sister multiple times. He stopped playing tennis because he was 'never as good as Louis anyway', spent his time listening to deafening music down in his room and going to the river to scream at the fish for being alive. His mother became borderline depressed, but tried her absolute hardest to keep it together for her children. His sister blamed herself for her baby brother's death and completely buried herself in her studies, bottling up all of her anger and sadness so she wouldn't cause more trouble for her parents. But his father Eike was actually the one that was hit the worst.
In his mind, he should have saved his son at the time, pulled him aside, pushed him away, taken his place, anything. Anything but losing his perfect little boy.
He became gradually angry, started mistreating his co-workers in the kitchen, forgot things and blamed it on his family members, picked fights with his wife and stayed away longer and longer to work insane hours, which only fed the depression he had fallen into. Eventually his body caught up with him and he suffered a stroke at work, the bloodflow to his brain was cut off way too long and they couldn't wake him up anymore, so his family decided to turn off the machines.

Healing Slowly

During all of his misery he tried his hardest to shut out Oliver, who was his strongest connection to his brother and the time where everything was still okay, but the damn kid just wouldn't accept it. He let Harvey ignore him, yell at him, literally push him away and eventually got punched in the face. Oliver punched back and Harvey fell to the ground, not being able to get back up, curled up into a ball and cried and screamed so hard his body started shaking. His friend just sat down next to him and the two boys spent the entire period Harvey had been trying to skip at that exact spot until they were all out of tears with one painfully sore throat on top. Olli called Harvey's mom, who immediately left the office and came to the school to pick up her son. When she arrived he only managed to stare at the ground and walk into her arms to receive a big hug, while she told him how much she loved him.
His mother talked about how they were all hurting, how she feels like she would rather be beaten to a pulp than feel what she is feeling and how his sister was pretending like she didn't want nothing more than to punch the wall until the whole house fell down - but that the three of them still had each other. Harvey couldn't speak anymore from all the screaming and after thanking Oliver and telling him he would always be welcome in their home, his mom took him home to rest.
Slowly, the teenager started to talk again. He didn't lash out as much anymore, he hung out with Oliver again after apologizing for cracking his nose, he started going to an animal shelter to walk with the older dogs that had been there for many years and the first time he raised his hand in a class after the incidents his teacher stared at him for seconds before remembering that she had to actually talk to her students. He never played tennis again though.

Dirtier Paths

Still, all wasn't well. His brother's death had made him feel a sheer amount of anger he hadn't thought possible, wanting to punish the person who killed him. He grew more and more interested in taking things into his own hands, becoming quite the rebel and starting to wander into the wrong parts of town. He was fascinated by the people he saw there: independent, tough, not afraid of anything or anyone. These people would have caught his brother's killer, right? They wouldn't talk shit about not having enough of a trail to find him, they would go after him themselves and make sure he never messed with anyone again!
While completing school, Harvey looked for ways to get into trouble, learn the ways of the streat, or so he thought.
To him it was like he would become his own man, someone who could protect the people he cared about and girls would swoon over. He wanted to know about guns and who to talk to, he finally managed to get his hands on some of the good drugs, not the cheap stuff they basically threw at you at every corner. Getting high took away some of the sadness and guilt that had dug itself deep into his body and things got worse, he overdid it with the alcohol, went to an illegal fight club to make and take bets and started taking lessons in kickboxing.
Years after he had finished school, Oliver had long begun his training at the police academy while Harvey was still working at a car wash, earning money on the side by running errands for shady people to support his mom and sister, who was now in university. Without his dad's money they had trouble getting by, but his earnings kept them from suffering any form of financial consequence.

Finding Love

Through his questionable lifestyle and his contact with some local gangs, Harvey soon ran into a man who called himself "Alpha". Alpha was a member of an established gang named the "Splatters" that operated in a major city far away, though he had temporarily left them because of the way the gang's leader was running things. Harvey was immediately attracted to the softhearted, mysterious stranger and completely fell for him, ignoring what he told him about the things he had witnessed and done himself. To Harvey, this was his calling, he could become was Alpha was and join a gang, finally get somewhere, become someone.
He didn't tell Oliver everything, but it was enough to earn some very disappointed and harsh words from the policeman who had just recently finished his training. He tries to get Harvey to join the academy as well, but to no avail. Months pass, Alpha and Harvey soon become a couple, even though his boyfriend's acquaintences aren't too happy about Harvey's strong ties to law enforcement.
One day, his best friend confides in him about a particularly rough phase the police is going through. Apparently they got a strong lead on a gang that's causing a lot of trouble in the district but can't seem to find the right people to connect the dots. Harvey listens with great interest and immediately turns to Alpha for recruitment, being very adamant about storming off to 'solve the case' and help out his friend who had done so much to him. Initially, Alpha refused, but when Harvey wouldn't take 'no' for an answer and went out on his own, his boyfriend followed him to keep him from getting himself killed, eventually ending up helping out with teaching the youngster some ways of getting to information and who to get them from.

The Ugly Side Of Life

The pair came up with a good deal of information, connection the right names to the right places that lign up with the evidence Harvey heard about from Oliver. Excited, he goes to tell his friend and is prouder than ever, determined to leave with his boyfriend and join a gang together. Oliver knows he is getting intel that was gathered illegaly, but as always he lets it slide because it's coming from Harvey. His poor, dellusional friend Harvey who lost his brother and father within months, who went through so much and who he never told how he felt about him. He promises to use what the two of them found out and Harvey leaves satisfied while Oliver goes to talk to his superiors.
The lead checks out and a raid is planned, a big unit of officers storm some quarters associated with the gang they are looking for, expecting to make a big catch.
They didn't make a big catch.
As it turns out, the gang had noticed the police being onto them and sent a bunch of newbies and expendable members to some outer quarters for the police to find and turn their valuable trail into a dead end. The untrained youngsters naturally lost their cool and the whole ordeal went south, many were badly injured and some of the gang members as well as one of the policemen died. Harvey was called by guy in the force he know through Oliver and immediately ditched work to storm to the hospital, where his best friend had been admitted after the raid. A bullet had hit him in the head, the trauma had caused him to fall into a coma and nobody knew if he was ever going to wake up.

Cleaning up his life and getting the assignment of his career

Devastated, disillusioned and ridden with guilt, Harvey apologized to his unconcious friend and finally cracked in front of the officer, deciding that he couldn't be with someone who, as he believed, would one day be responsible for good people to get badly hurt. He told his contacts about his boyfriend and that he had been a part of terrible things, agreeing to lead them to the appartement they were living in to have him arrested. Unbeknowenst to him, one of Alpha's contacts had tipped him off about what happened and that he was on his way in a police car, so when he arrived the flat was empty.
Harvey moved past his relationship with Alpha and entered the police academy like Oliver had wanted him to. His fit physique, experience with the street life and merciless ambition to catch people that are hurting others allowed for a quick and flawless path through training and made him build quite the noticeable reputation once he got out. He was soon transferred to one of the major cities of his country where he worked his way up on the chain, specializing in undercover work and getting all the extra training required to do so. First from his colleagues in the force, then from the people he was trying to catch he got the nickname "Blue Rat", referencing how he would sneak into anything from secluded pubs to disruptive criminal organisations and take them apart.
When Harvey reached the age of 28, he volunteered for a very complex, risky and dangerous as fuck operation that involved sneaking into a secret location below the city where a crime boss called "Felix" was operating the biggest illegal organisation known to law enforecement around the world that involved human trafficing, ruthless violence, scheduled cage fighting and many, many other stomach-twisting things. He took the name Cameron Postum and got into the organisation that was purely catering to the richest of the rich.


Oliver best friend


Harvey and Oliver met during secondary school, where they almost immediately became inseperable, along with Harvey's brother Louis.
Possibly due to being one year older, Oliver was usually the more reasonable and calm one in their trio, sometimes trying to talk his friends out of whatever stupid and immature plan they had come up with. Not that he had much success with that.
Louis' death affected him greatly, but instead of trying to push everyone away he clung to Harvey, not willing to let him slip away into the abyss the older twin was trying so hard to get lost in, until eventually a mutual punch to the face brought the pair back together. Similarly, when Harvey kept sliding off-track and wormed his way into the gang-scene at no point did it occur to Oliver to leave him to it. So instead he remained the nagging voice of reason in his best friend's ear, of restraint, of safety, even as he found his place in the police force, arguably the opposite side of the river that lay between the duo now.
When Harvey came to him with information regarding a particularly frustrating case the police had been working on however, Oliver couldn't help but overlook the most likely highly questionable methods behind his friend's spoils and went to his supervisor, not long after joining his unit in a gang raid. It ended up being a trap, and in the panic that swiftly erupted a bullet found it's way into his head, leaving him in a coma that has lasted all the way into the present.

ex-boyfriend Alpha

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Nicole older sister


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante. Aliquam magna libero, dictum sit amet scelerisque ac, scelerisque tincidunt magna. Nulla et consectetur diam. Aliquam ipsum mi, tristique sed vestibulum ac, aliquet eget magna. Aliquam quis fringilla erat. Morbi sollicitudin id lorem eu efficitur. Mauris varius id magna vitae ullamcorper.

twin brother Louis †

Born just twenty minutes after Harvey, Louis didn't see himself als the younger brother, no matter how much he was teased about it.
Like Harvey, he was outgoing, clever and funny, enjoyed the same sports and listened to the same music. The two of them were practically fused at the hip - despite the fact that Louis would usually end up beating his brother in many of their little competitions. Despite Oliver as their best friend and voice of reason, there was no stopping either of them when they had their mind made up about something and many of their adventures ended in scraped knees or broken vases.
When Louis passed away, Harvey didn't just lose a friend and brother, he lost one half of himself and it took him a long time to even so much as try to start healing.


Harvey Pearson




Harvey Jonathan Pearson


the 'Blue Rat' (nickname in the force)

Cameron Postum (undercover)







Eike Striegler †


Celina Pearson


Louis Jay Pearson †


Nicole Striegler

