Venus Valharah



5 years, 1 month ago


Owner: peachyguro
Creator: zgxfl (?)
HTML: Awful


A saint with blood
Venus was born in Luxure with good-natured parents and a loving neighborhood. She was, however, pressured to be a great Goddess Whisperer. Her disinterest in it was overwhelming, but she tried her hardest to be what her parents wanted her to be. After successfully fufilling all her training to be one, her first few sessions of birth rituals were a failure. There were multiple accidents and overall nothing was accomplished. What was meant to be her legacy, having shown signs of being a Whisperer earlier than anyone else, turned into a tragedy. Venus was slowly on the edge of self destruction with so much pressure. Venus soon found out about Noire, which is the other side of the realm adjacent to Luxure. She had listened to all the stories that accompanied their life over there. This gave Venus a sense of desire; she felt like her home was a trap and theirs was a new beginning. Out of impulse, Venus forfeit her life in Luxure and traveled all the way over to Noire. Her inability to speak the language and pure appearance made her a laughing stock after they were informed that she wanted to move in. Right at the main city, Venus pleaded her life to wanting to be there. She was ridiculed and sometimes even beaten out, thrown back into Luxure. Out of sheer luck, Venus forced her way in and met face-to-face with Alice. She yelled at her, with broken language and with all her might, that she wanted to live in Noire more than anything. She was willing to give up her life for this. Alice, whom was a consigliere at the time, stared at her, both amused and annoyed that she was talked to in such a manner. Alice slaps her across the face until she falls over, putting her at gunpoint. Venus looks up at her, furious and unwilling to give up. Alice admires her spirit and tells her she could be an associate. From the ground up, Venus made herself known. She was tough and, despite her gentle impression, was quick to give dirty orders - both of murder and collecting money. She brought herself up to Caporegime within 3 years and never once looked back to her old life. Though Venus has left her old life, she feels it would be incredibly unlucky to abandon her faith. She takes the time to refresh her memory on days where she's not working for her new family.

A heart; A flame

A heart; A flame

A damsel in charge Venus, living in Noire, never changed her appearance. She's seen as an angelic figure to most people upon first impression. She has a strong mid-atlantic accent to match that heightens her aura of sincerity. She adorns herself in rather simple fabrics with a leaf crown on her head that she carefully tends to. Her walk is graceful, and she always has a warm smile when she talks. Her tone is never condesending, however, when she talks business, she gets straight to the point. She sprinkles pet names here and there, but she never expresses her motivations as simple or nothing to worry about. She simply states what she wants or has to offer with no insults, and if those demands are not meant, she orders for her crew to take care of the problem. Most of the time she is present during a killing, but she never stands close to get blood on her. She feels that it's impolite to walk away from such an act, having the knowledge of bringing life herself. Her crew respects her decency but the very few times that others have questioned her, she kills them herself for even speaking. She then goes home to say a prayer for the murder and goes on with the next day like nothing happened. We had a deal. What was the point in practicing faith when I had little time to even preach it? I brought my two favorites with me on a trip to see the Varns family out in Liverpool. They accompanied me by entertaining me with stories of their own families. It put me in a good mood. When we got to the entrance of the village, the 2nd had greeted us immediately. I was puzzled to not be met with the 1st, but I said nothing. I greeted her with a warm smile. She looked oddly tense. I asked her where the home was for the Varns family, and she pointed it out to me. We crossed over; we felt eyes staring at us like we were living myths in the flesh. We got to the door and noticed how they opened up immediately. Anabella Varns with Jacklyn Varns. There are the table behind them was Yale Varns and Riley Truffs. Riley Truffs being the gang leader of this village. I asked if I could come in, and they insisted on no. I cooed and tried to persuade them that we only came for our dues. They owed us a great deal of riches. Riley stood up and said she would pay for them. I thought it very heartwarming. Then she asked for a week to do so, that the family had nothing to spare for me. My companions must've noticed something about me because they seemed tense now. I continued to smile. I assured them that I was not angry. I turned around and started to walk out; the family relaxed. "All right, I'll give you a week. Cara, take care of Yale for me." And with that, I heard the sudden movement of furniture. The sudden scramble of feet. I heard shots go off, and I heard three bodies hit the floor. I took out my talisman and held it within my hand, saying a soft prayer. I wasn't sure if Ereline cared about murder; that was not something she clarified in her books. However, I hated the thought that perhaps my goddess was watching me. I wanted her to know I was always thinking about her, despite leaving my duty to her. This was the most I could do.


Goddess Whisperer
Nature everything
I'd ask for you to pray for mercy, but that's not how we run things here.

A Gift, A Curse

A Gift, A Curse

✖ Religion
✖ Booze
✖ Knife fights
✖ Luxury living
✖ Crying

✓ Plants
✓ Emeralds
✓ Fast life
✓ Being in good company
✓ Playing cards

♪ Playlist ♪

► The Other Side of Paradise - Glass Animals
► From Eden - Hozier


Alice Boyd Vanity
Alice is the one that picks Venus up from the streets to give her a chance at new life. Venus looks up to her a lot, though Alice forgets about her often. When Alice is thrown out of the family, Venus makes it her mission to figure out why.
Close friend to Venus, whom teaches her the ropes about being a part of the family. They stay close, but they have their differences that strain their relationship at times.
Mafian boss whom Venus is pretty scared of. She doesn't show her fear often, but away from the group she tends to choose her words carefully before saying them. Although afraid of her, she highly respects her. She keeps her questions to herself, but she tends to observe Harlem more closely than the other two. Venus sees Harlem the least.