Rusty Moore



7 years, 11 months ago


Something went wrong with Rusty's eyes, but nobody's really sure what. One acts like an albino's and the other doesn't. With a fascination for anything space and a love for loud noises, a lot of his free time goes into rigging explosive traps. Typically, he uses fireworks, crams them into a ball, sets the thing on fire, and drops it on his unsuspecting foes. He's a fun-loving kid, but his mode will kick in at the drop of a hat, which causes him to get hit in the head a lot

Lucille...? Would likely get an illusion and try to get her to like him by pretending to be a regular person. Is then stuck living a lie and afraid she won't love him because welllll... They leave their last names as they are because...they like their last names, okay. After the two of them are really getting along well, he can't take it anymore and reveals who he really is (insert tearful feely moment). Of course, she can't help but be a little afraid of him and runs off. Rusty then assumes she never wants to see him again and doesn't bother the visit or contact her. After about a year of nothing, she wants to sort out things she felt were left poorly, but no longer has a way to find him. She sees a news report of a large gang having captured Wylee, trying to lure Dieter and his crew out. Her best shot is to show up where the gang is camping out and hope Rusty shows. The area, though, is pretty much abandoned (and it's night, so). She saw some movement and headed into the building where it was, only to trigger a tripwire. Rusty, who happened to be in there, jumps as her to knock her down as something explodes right next to her. Before she can say anything, a chain reaction of fire and explosives starts to go off. He shoots a flare through the tattered roof to signal that something's gone wrong. The panda family's camped out in the area, assembling a plan, but she tripped it before everyone was ready. So, they have to go now. She's caught in the crossfire as confused felons on both sides try to figure out what's going on. Dee's kids are fighting to keep him from snapping since he's highly prone to it given the situation. After a little bit of panicking, Lucille does something that turns the fight ever so slightly in their favor. After things are clearly settled and starting to wind down, Rusty slinks off in hopes of avoiding reopening any more old wounds. However, she sees where he goes and chases him down. Feely stuff, blah blah, write this better later, I'm tired

Midnight by Beth Crowley