


5 years, 2 months ago


This character is not currently for sale/trade. Please DO NOT offer. 



  • Name Harumi Kaneko
  • Age 18
  • Height '5"3
  • Cat breed Somali Cat mix
  • Sexuality Straight
  • Personality

    She's pretty well known in school so of course that feeds up her ego,but she's still pretty friendly to new people she meets. But overall if you first meet her, she's pretty welcoming and kind, she won't get too close but will say hi to you in the hallways and would compliment you on anything you're wearing. She loves fashion and if you ever ask her to go shopping with you, she will automatically say yes, she loves picking out clothes for others and also loves shopping for herself. She tries her best to try and help those who are getting bullied since she knows how it feels to be the victim of bullying. She also loves buying and showering her friends and loved ones with gifs as a show of love and appreciation since that's how she grew up to show it.

    If she doesn't like you, can be quiet blunt and stubborn in a conversation or would answer dryly. She'd have a pretty good reason to dislike someone since she puts logic first aside from emotion first. Whenever her enemies make fun of her or her friends, she's always there to remark and retort back at them. Roasting them just as hard she can to make them leave.

  • Appearance

    ~She has dark markings near the tips of her ear and has white markings on the tip. ~She has a heart shaped marking on her butt and as one in between her shoulder blades ~She always dyes her hair, but the color shown on the ref is her usual style for hair (You can pick any color for the tips or for an ombre! ~As green in her inner ears and has white floof ~She also has a dark marking on her eye lids to her eyebrow, if you zoom up close it sharps to the end of her eye

  • Likes Mochi, cute clothes, kimonos, kpop & jpop, other cosplay cafes, spicy food, and volleyball
  • Dislikes Hot weather, catcallers, big crowds,tangled hair, very salty food, being alone in public
  • Backstory

    Harumi was born in Japan, so far living a carefree life with her two parents. But as soon as she turned 4, her parents pack up their things and made their way to America, leaving Harumi with her father's older sister. Her aunt was a wealthy woman who owns her own diamond and gold company for rings and other popular jewelry. And throughout her life Harumi needed to hold this status of success and honor even as a child. Instead of playing with the other children at the park, she was forced to study or to attend fancy parties her aunt was invited to. Of course she hated it and envied her other classmates for their freedom in games and play, but she couldn't do anything about it. Years went by and when she started high school, she finally found a friend she could finally talk to and her aunt finally let her go hang out with them. At the cost of her grades being higher than the average and schoolwork hunting her down,but she didn't mind since it's always worth it for her friends.

    Once she was 17, her aunt told Harumi it was time to get her own job if she wanted to go to college. Sure it's to give her a lesson about money and work but saving would take forever if she were to work at a fast food place. So,that's when she stumbled upon a Maid Cafe a few city's down from her home. Ever since then, Harumi has been working part time at a Maid Cafe after school. Soon enough, balencing school, friends, studying, and work got to her head, she started becoming more stubborn and started becoming a little harsh when she dislikes something or someone. And since her aunt brags about her intelligent niece all the time to her other high status women friends, she went off and talked about Harumi's love life (which was non-existent btw). So that's when the fake boyfriend company comes into play, her Aunt pays a boy to go out with her niece a few times a month to prove that her niece is 'high standered' when it comes to boys (which of course bothered Harumi cause wtf). Next thing you know,she meets the boy named Kei, who also owkrs at the host club a few blicks down from the Miad Cafe. The first few dates she wasn't impressed with him, since he was only a pretty boy doing this for money. After a while though, he finally got to her and she began feeling more comfortable with him. Telling him about the stress she's under, what's been going on at school, and other things that may be bothering her. Once she was 18 she started hanging out with him even more at the host club he works at, Harumi basically being his number one client when she goes to hang out with him at the club.

  • Kei (Secret) Boyfriend

    Since Kei works at a host club and a fake boyfriend company, having a permanent girlfriend could ruin his reputation with his other clients in the club. And if that happens he wouldn't be able to be the number one host anymore, making his pay roll and wage get less and less. So they must keep this relationship basically secret so he could find a way to make a stable living.

  • Reign Absolute Best Friend

    This manga artist is the first who captured Harumi's trust back in the start of high school. They both love going shopping and talking about the latest gossip that would be going on in both their lifes. Harumi also loves listening to the ideas Reign has for her mangas and she's always promoting her work in the cafe and being the first to read them.

  • Haruki Brother figure

    Haruki is Reign's older cousin, he's a bartender at the host club and he doesn't look like it but he's one of the nerdiest person you would ever meet. Harumi met him when they were pretty young, he's basically a brother to her and he's the reason how she met Reign too. She trusts him and would always hang out at their apartment when she has the free time to and would always look forward to hanging out with him and recall memories from their childhood.

  • Does she enjoy her part time job at the Maid cosplay Cafe?

    Surprisingly, this job is one of her most favorite pass times. It pays well and she couldn't be happier with her coworkers and manager. She loves the community of the kind and respectful customers and looks forward to go to work everyday.

  • Does she have anymore family in Japan?

    Not that she recalls or knows about, her Aunt never really talkes about anyone else from either her dad's side of the family or mom's side, Harumi doesn't care but she wants to know if she at least has some grandparents here.

  • What does she want to study in college?

    She either wants to major in Law or Psychology.

  • What's her relationship with her aunt now?

    They both have a mutual respect for each other now, Harumi says hello and goodbye but there's never really a lot of things to say to her aunt. She leaves and goes as she pleases if she continues to uphold her grades, her her aunt doesn't care what she does or where she goes. But her aunt does keep making her go to fancy parties to continue to show her off.

  • Trivia
    • ● She usually smells like vanilla with a hint of some strawberries
    • ● She collects posters of her favorite kpop and jpop artists, along with their albums
    • ● In the house, Harumi has her own personal secret library
    • ● She loves wearing kimonos for formal events,cause they look nice and they're comfy
    • ● She also loves hairsticks and hairpins that have flowers on them
    • ● Harumi along with Kei are main characters of an oc manga idea called: Koi No Yokan

profile html by Hukiolukio