Fen Moore



7 years, 11 months ago


Fen's on the laid-back side of things and likes to poke fun at his siblings. He's extremely difficult to offend or upset, so instead of struggling with going into a mode all of the time, he just punches people for fun. Despite his small size, he leaves almost every scuffle seemingly unfazed and uninjured. He loves a challenge and will take on multiple enemies in seemingly impossible odds and then tear them to ribbons. With people he's not supposed to kill, like his family, he has a tendency to roughhouse

Known to say "I know how to [horrible crime thing], I wasn't raised in a barn"

Fen wasn't really supposed to exist...?? Wylee got caught up in a curse-casting incident trying to get rid of some troublesome mages which ended up giving her a baby, advancing the gestation period, and skipping the birth altogether in short sequence. So, she just left the scene with an infant like 'oh....'