Yumi's Comments

Oh what a cutie! I would love to enter! I think I would calll him Yumi (Might change? I don't fully know yet lol sorry.) Yumi is a magical wolf. He isn't all that well known, but he rather keep ithat way, since he doesn't want people or other animals to know about what he is. He is a Dream Walker. There aren't many of his kind, but he's okay with that. He likes to take walks into other's dreams. and if they happen to be having nightmares he tries to turn them into something lovely. But, it doesn't always work. Sometimes, other's nightmares are just too strong to be changed. When he isn't dreaming, he loves to visit orchards and pick some fruits.PLus, its a grest place to find all kinds of different bugs! Different pollinators and just normal ones in and on trees. He also tends to help tuem pick and plant if they need more trees. But, his favorite time for that is when its raining.

I hope this is okay. If you want to know more, could always ask me! :D Thank you!

Name- Luminescence
Gender- Male

Species- Wolf
Personality- Funny, Smart, Shy

Sexuality- Gay
Likes- Fruit, Bugs, The Rain
Dislikes- Loud Noises, Heat, Pain, Darkness
Hobbies- Tending to his garden, Sitting in caves (he glows so it isnt dark)

Fashion- 'Geeky' clothes, sometimes Gothic Lolita

Hi! I'd this guy is still open can I claim them?

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