


8 years, 12 days ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Castiel Hircus







Relationship status

Single Pringle


High places, Sunny spots, Sun bathing, Beaches, Comedies


Getting his horns stuck, Complete isolation, Being rushed, Sensitive subjects

Brief personality

Mischievous, Calculating, Relaxed, Cool-headed, Prone to giggling to e v e r y t h i n g, Lively, Accommodating | Extremely compliant, lack of urgency, Slow-going, insensitive



Age: 20



Alighment: Chaotic good

Personality: (more like life info) bits and pieces

Put a personality to a Goat and a Cat and You've got Cas
Is a herd animal and does not like being alone
He is giggly, laughs at nearly everything
you'll want him on front row in your comedy show
Cas isn't one to make orders or be the boss of anyone and is a very good sidekick, good slave too

Cool as a cucumber but really highly stressed when alone

He's really plush and fluffy for a demon hybrid. His horns can't do much damage WHEEZE. He's not built for headbutting, He's bullied by both Cats and Demons for being a hybrid or being a weak example of an demon.

His markings under his eyes is often mistaken for Dark rings of tiredness but they're not and he's always being told he should rest more to not have dark circles
He just sighs and says "yessssss okkkkkkkkkkk" "whatever you say"

He's really affectionate, A avid petitioner of platonic public displays of affection
He's really shameless tbh

He's the goat of tuesday

[6/09/2016 12:04:59 AM] Cher: He seems like a normal kid that grew up in a normal family of Cat and demoncat
[6/09/2016 12:06:13 AM] Cher: Just grew up in a household that didn't really care what other families thought and so that made him grow up really shameless and blunt
[6/09/2016 12:06:38 AM] Cher: He shouldn't deal with sensitive topics WHEEZE He's not tactful
[6/09/2016 12:06:51 AM] Cher: might make more people cry
[6/09/2016 12:06:57 AM] Cher: instead of helping
[6/09/2016 12:07:36 AM] Cher: I guess Demon Hybrids would be frowned upon in society tho maybe he has been bullied in school

Fast facts: 

• Loves going out with friends, but gets tired easily from hanging out with friends

•Joins in conversations and actively talks about hot/current topics that he hears on the radio or news on her iphone

• Infects friends and makes them anime-weebs - CHANTS THE OPENING THEMES OF JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURES

• Loves being free and lazing around

• Always careful, Streetsmart

• Dreams of great things for themselves

• Avid pokemon Go player, Very proud of being team mystic

• Laughs/giggles a lot

• Makes weird noises sometimes [morelikeallthetime]

• Loves cuddling with friends whilst watching movies

• Prone to second-hand embarrassment

• Always prepared!!! Power bank!!! Moisturiser!!! Phone!!!

• Sometimes gets sad or stressed for no reason