
5 years, 1 month ago


➽ Name: Mayu Sakiko (真優咲子)

➽ Alias: Pathos

➽ Age/Gender: 15; Female

➽ Sexuality: Bisexual

➽ Crush: Haha no thanks

➽ Affiliation: Heroes, Class 1-A

➽ Alignment: Lawful Good

➽ Quirk: Sensory Connect


▪ Strength: 2/5

▪ Speed: 3.5/5

▪ Technique: 4/5

▪ Intelligence: 5/5

▪ Cooperation: 4.5/5

➽Height: 5'4"

➽Weight: 112 lbs

➽ Quirk: Mayu is able to control her opponent's senses after making direct eye contact with them. Essentially, she can enhance or reduce senses to make a light tap on the shoulder feel excruciating, or a blade to the gut feel like nothing at all. Some withdraws of her quirk are that she can only control one sense per person and all the senses she control have to be different. At max, she can control 5 people each (one sense per person - sight, smell, touch, hearing, taste). 

➽ Personality: Mayu is extremely soft-spoken, yet kind and poised in public. She seems to fear to speak her mind and normally has her face stuffed in a newspaper or novel during the day. She keeps her thoughts to herself and in public seems to just nod along to the status quo and whatever others are saying. When asked her opinion, she'll try to direct the question away from herself so she doesn't have to answer. She doesn't care much about upping the power of her quirk and just attends the school as she has to. She's smart enough to pass exams and practicals using her current level of expertise. In general, Mayu keeps to herself but is always looking out for her classmates whenever they're in danger. She despises attention as she's had too much in her past and sometimes just likes the solitude of her own room. She enjoys her space but is willing to share it with a few special others who she cares about. Mayu also has a very optimistic view towards life, even though her past doesn't seem to line up to it and is open-minded to hear other perspectives of an issue. 

➽ Other: Mayu enjoys singing and playing the piano when she's alone, she's too embarrassed to perform in public though and always makes sure she's alone...

  • Optimistic, a bit too trusting, friendly. Though she tends to be a bit shy around strangers, she’s very polite and will approach them if she needs to make an introduction. She’s soft-spoken since she likes listening rather than speaking about her opinions but if asked, she’ll share them.
  • Poised, delicate, “trained”
  • She was born in a rich household where she was to become the next heir to the family corporation (she was the only daughter). She ignored her quirk for a long time because of this, growing up barely using it until she lost control of it one day after her father scolded her about her behaviors at an important meeting and she accidentally caused his pain levels to shoot through the roof. And although it was just a sensation, it hurt him enough to send him to the hospital where he still remains. She feels really guilty about this and her mother became afraid of her. So, she separated herself from the family and went to UA to get better control of her quirk.
  • At first, she was uncomfortable because she had never been around so many kids of her age before (she always attended events with adults and higher-ups without their children) but later adjusted, glad she made the change. Her mom rented out an apartment complex in the city (closer to the school) for her to stay at during her time at the academy.  
  • She doesn’t know people very well, but she has a really good memory and was able to memorize the rosters and teachers before she actually started attending UA. (Photographic memory basically)
  • Prepares for everything a day in advance – she’ll make breakfast the day before if she knows she will leave early in the morning, prepare an outfit the night before, etc.
  • - VC
  • Mayu knows many languages as she was forced to learn them as a child so that she would be able to communicate with foreign guests when they came over for dinner or discussion.