


5 years, 2 months ago


➢Name: Asami Eiko (朝美瑛子)

➢Alias: Angeli

➢Age/Gender: 17; Female

^didn't make it her first year

➢Sexuality: Bisexual

➢Crush: Hmmmmm

➢Affiliation: UA, Class 1-B

➢Alignment: Chaotic Good

➢Quirk: Time Restoration

Height: 5 ft. 5 in.

Weight: 118 lbs


Strength (1/5) 

Speed (4/5) 

Technique (5/5)

Intel (3.5/5)

Cooperation (2.5/5)

Quirk: Time Restoration allows the user to revert the severity of a wound to how it was less than 3 hours ago. She is unable to reverse any more past that so if it's an infection, she can only lessen the severity. To activate her quirk, she has to touch the afflicted somewhere on their skin - she can reverse the process to worsen the wound back too. Some withdraws are that she physically feels the pain the afflicted is going through until she completes the reversal of time on the ailment and is easily weakened by having to heal more than a total of 12 hours (in any combination of length). Her quirk also takes from 1-10 minutes to complete (wound severity).

Personality: Asami is an odd, yet charming girl. Even though she's a "wannabe hero", she has her own morals which prevent her from leaving anyone (including villains) harmed if she's able to help them. She's extremely stubborn in her belief that no one deserves death no matter what they did and often overworks herself to save others. She's also very unaware of her body's limits and a bit reckless when it comes to using her quirk. She also talks in very short sentences and doesn't seem to show favor or disdain towards villains and classmates alike. Overall, she's very opinionated and in public won't back down to a challenge or be intimidated. Strong-willed and stubborn to a fault, Asami is determined to help anyone and everyone she can. 

  • Grew up with very protective parents. Both were just normal people with minor quirks (mom – self-healing, regeneration; dad – sleep inducer quirk [he’s a doctor]
  • Her parents were honored that Asami wanted to learn to be a hero but knew her quirk wouldn’t work out so well for the job. So… they lied to her. They told everyone she was quirkless in hopes of deterring her. She still believed being a hero wasn’t only reliant on a quirk so she kept pushing anyway. She was bullied in middle school for her “stupidity” in pursuing a career where a quirk was practically mandatory but she didn’t let it stop her. She tried out for UA, failed, went to a normal high school where she stayed quiet. Her parents thought she had given up but far from that. She started teaching herself different hand-to-hand combat skills. Her parents allowed her to enroll in taekwondo and aikido classes (knowing they were relatively safe) and so she did. She met some of the UA kids there who continued to beat her up about her “useless persistence” and for a while, she faltered. She had breakdowns every night after a day of school and classes and eventually stopped attending both altogether… Her parents saw this happen and eventually told her the truth, hoping it would get her out of the state but still keep her from UA. But of course, that didn’t work. In fact, she got angered that her parents would keep such a thing from her even though she understood why and immediately went to re-apply for the exam again. She spent weeks leading up to the exam preparing in martial arts classes and volunteering at hospitals to test it out. In the exam, she managed to knock out one robot and saved a kid who had basically been crushed by one of the robots. It was barely enough to get her in but that’s all she needed. She struggled at first, especially since her “friends”/bullies from a grade ahead spread rumors about her not actually having a quirk and about how much of a burden she would be. She told herself she’d be fine. She made it so far, she wasn’t turning back… It was difficult, yes, there was never a day she didn’t consider dropping but she kept going, pretending she didn’t even notice them. Eventually one challenged her to a match afterschool and she accepted, swiftly beating him with simple martial arts without the use of her quirk and walked off…
  • Her eyes glow when she uses her quirk – she can use it on herself as she’s technically always touching herself but the process is a little slower.
  • Asami’s very direct and doesn’t like dawdling, however, she can stall with small talk if necessary. She’s very dynamic and doesn’t exactly think before speaking – however, if she notices she’s in a bad situation, she’ll become a bit more defensive and aware of her situation.
  • She values the protection of others above herself but still won’t just throw her life away to save anyone (like jumping off a cliff is out of the question except for people she cares enough about).
  • She’s pretty emotionally detached to being intimidated by others since she faced so may bullies. It’s not that she is completely fine around them, but she can give off the aura of being so. She has a pretty calm exterior 99% of the time, just don’t threaten anyone younger than her.
  • She’s very motherly and protective of people younger than her, especially if they remind her of herself.
  • Her speaking mannerisms are always a tad cryptic and normally don’t make complete sense but lol she’s trying her best.
  • As a kid, she wanted to be a hero because she knew it meant people would notice that she helped people. As she grew older, she started to care less about that and just wanted to make sure everyone got the love they deserved. Nowadays, she doesn’t really view people as “heroes” or “villains”, just as “people”. She dislikes having to title people and just wants to help everyone physically and emotionally to the right path, whatever that may be.
  • A bit of a philosopher-type character
  • Extremely determined and stubborn but she doesn’t lash out.
  • Before any rational thought, if she sees blood or any injured person, she’ll instinctively be pulled towards them to use her quirk because she’s just glad she has a purpose. Using her quirk makes her feel accomplished – since she can’t really rescue people from burning buildings.