Mick's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Aesthetic board images from pexels and unsplash!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

Boreal Global Rules

Full design TOS can also be found here.

  • Can always be resold, traded or gifted.
  • You may not resell for more than the initial purchase price, unless there is additional value (such as commissioned artwork, merch, etc.)
  • You may change the design however you like, though you may not directly edit or draw over my original artwork without my explicit permission.
  • While my original artwork may not be edited, you may include it on references or add text or a background, as long as credit is given.
  • You may use a purchased design in merch, as a fursuit or in indie projects (games, comics, etc.). Again, in these cases I only request to be credited for the original design.
  • You may not turn a purchased design into a closed species for profit or make copies of it to sell as separate adopts.
  • My designs may not be used as or associated with NFTs (Non-fungible tokens).
  • My designs/art are not authorized to be used for AI training.