
5 years, 5 months ago



Bila is a powerful kepil infected with reverted mind disease. Hers has mutated and may hold the answers to everything.

  • Name Bila
  • Nickname N/A
  • Age 32
  • Gender Female
  • Pronouns She/Her
  • Sexuality Homosexual
  • Species Imaji
  • Occupation Veteran
  • Residence Keprik Woods
  • Religion Atheist
  • Alignment Neutral Good
  • Positive Traits Intelligent, Calm, Great Teacher
  • Negative Traits Self-Loathing, Low Energy, Negative
  • Outlook Bila has a neutral outlook on life. It used to be more negative, but she's been a lot more hopeful recently.
  • Belief Bila believes in working hard to achieve your goals and helping others when you can.
  • Strengths Bila is extremely intelligent and quick to pick up on things. She is extremely calm and chill and a very good teacher.
  • Weaknesses Bila can be very self-loathing and negative at times. She also can be quite low energy and hard to motivate.
"Novoluniye- it means 'new moon' to most, but to my family, it means corrupted, wrong, an insult."

Bila is a very calm and soothing soul. She is very chill and hard to anger. She's extremely good at teaching due to her patient and calm nature. She can be very self-loathing and negative at times and can be very low energy and hard to motivate. She can go through depressive episodes and has low self esteem. She gets flustered when recieving compliments, but she is very good at giving them back.

  • Optimist
  • Rude
  • Peaceful
  • Playful
  • Creative
  • Lethargic
  • Follower
  • Brave
  • Insecure
  • Intelligent
  • Wise
  • Forgetful
  • Impulsive
  • Neat
  • Curious
  • Clumsy
  • Patient
  • Liar


  • Cooking
  • Exploring
  • Writing
  • Quail
  • Sunlight
  • Magnolias


  • The Moon
  • Her Family
  • Gardening
  • Darkness
  • Ferals
  • Failure


  • Cooking
  • Exploring
  • Writing
  • Sunbathing
  • Singing
  • Cleaning


  • Magic
  • Teaching
  • Mutating Viruses
  • Cooking
  • Writing
  • Singing
  • Scale Color Dark Cyan
  • Eye Color Cyan
  • Horn Color Dark Blue
  • Height 6'4"
  • Clothing Style Standard Cloth Shirt & Pants with Armored Gloves & Boots
  • Skinny Large
  • Curvy Flat
  • Frail Muscular
  • Groomed Messy

Bila is dark cyan imaji with navy blue stripes and a dark blue and cyan underbelly. She has cyan lightning bolt markings and elongated dots. She has light cyan swirls all over her body, and she has dark blue spines and cyan webbing between them.The light cyan also appears as elongated dots on her body and a giant semi-circle at the top of her torn wings. His wings are navy blue with blye spotted markings that shape together like clouds. Navy blue fins with cyan ends stick out of her tail. Her two-walker form wears standard cloth clothing and sometimes armored gloves and boots. She usually carries around a bag with green vines ending in a brown sacs. In her four-walker form, her usually cyan eyes with white scleras turn to navy blue scleras, and her four-walker form is around 20 ft due to the virus's influence. In both forms, there is an off-blue colored scar on (her) right side of her body with dark off-blue veins running off of it.

Design Notes

  • The back of Bila's wings are just navy blue with no markings.
  • The gloves and boots are optional.
  • Her four-walker form fumes frost frequently.
  • There are five spines on the top of her head and 2 spines + horn that makes up the fins on the sides of her head.
  • Her clothing can be changed about. Sometimes she has a dark brown cloak.
Click for Reference


Bila is a kepil born into the family Ravenmoon. The Ravenmoon family is known for their pale scales that look like the moon and producing strong kepili. Since Bila was born with dark scales, her family rejected her even when Bila showed strong magic prowess and even the sign of a riedaship. Bila's only solace was her childhood friend, Eos. Bila was born with the name Novoluniye, but changed it when she joined the military (unwillingly- her family forced her) to hide who her family was. She was specifically part of the military force for the Imaka push to help the Jilin monarchy, but her group went too far south into Zartnox, and she got infected by a feral in the area. This led to a struggle where she spiralled more often and constantly. The only light in the dark for her was Eos who joined the military a year later to reunite with Bila.

The disease itself kept getting stronger, and it kept coming closer and closer to harming Eos. It climaxed in the middle of the night when the disease showed it somehow gained intelligence and tried to trick Bila into giving up control. A mental struggle ensued which shoved the disease through Bila's memories and Bila's through its. Things became easier from there as the disease gained emotions and a conscience. It took up the name Umbra ("Your family always was named for traits of the moon. I am like your shadow, and the umbra is the moon's shadow."), and thus FER.UMBRA was born.

Eos reported this to a trusted healer named Retta who helped Eos take care of Bila in the beginning of her infection. After a few studies, they found that Umbra could act as a cure for the virus, eating it before it taints people's minds. Eos allowed herself to be the test dummy (much to Bila's chargrin), and they also found out Umbra could act as a hivemind which spiralled into "the disease is a hivemind, but where is the center?." During their studies in the Keprik Woods, Alsamt wandered into them and a new adventure was kicked off.

Present Day

Bila now acts as a cure for those infected while also trying to research more about the feral disease and finding the source. She has been travelling with Alsamt as he tries to find his riedara. She has been helping him with his kepil abilities and studying any feral they come across with Eos.


Name: Eos

Time known each other: 27 Years

Bila and Eos are lovers. Bila also happens to be Eos's one and only patient turned cure.


Name: Umbra

Time known each other: 3 Years

Umbra is Bila's reverted mind disease mutated. The disease acts as a hivemind, and Umbra's mutation seperated them and gave them a conscious. They're shockingly close to each other considering Umbra was killing Bila.


Name: Alsamt

Time known each other: 1 Year

Bila likes Alsamt and enjoys teaching him and helping him embrace his power as a kepil.