
Bijoux Name: I would name this beautiful Bijoux after the Celtic Goddess of Healing Springs, Sirona.

Why This Name: I picked Sirona because she is a goddess of healing, astronomy, and fertility.  Plus the name means "star". This Bijoux seems to fit this role (at least in my mind).  

Gender:  Female

Personality/History:  Like the Goddess, she is named after, Sirona is a gentle Bijoux with a  habit of taking too much on her plate. She grew up in the Cavern of  Creation and as a young one she would look up at the center glowing tree and the holes in the cavern dreaming of the stars. Sirona has always been calmed by the sound of and being around water. When she was old enough to travel by herself she found herself following a small stream.  She didn't know how far she walked or the true reason why - all she knew was that the stream was calling her, telling her to follow. Where the small stream joined into a larger river, Sirona found herself in the heart of the Vagarian Woods. It is there that she calls home. She sleeps in the protective arms of a Weeping Willow and spends her day tending to and caring for rivers and lakes within the woods. She has an almost healing touch to the waters and the land around it, as well as with the animals that dwell around her. She also can be found surrounded by fairies - all of them wanting to hear her stories about the sky lights  (the stars). She in turn loves to hear them sing and teach her new songs!