David Jay



5 years, 9 days ago


Name: David Jay
Name meaning: Beloved

Age: 18

Ethnicity: American

Height: 5’10 ft (178 cm)

Birthday: July 11
Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Languages: English

Personality: David is very kindhearted, but has a deep need to learn anything and everything he possibly can. He highly values education, and is quite the genius. He's kind of shy, and very awkward around girls, but if he's asked a question relating to his field of interest, he'll completely nerd out and go off and talk as much as he can. He tends to take things very seriously, and is often told he needs to relax.

Likes: reading, experiments, research, books.
Dislikes: being interrupted, having nothing to do, sleeping too much.

Extra Facts:
- David is currently a university student, but also works as an apprentice scientist.
- His job in the science lab is to observe and take care of the flower girls, especially Ivy.
- His uncle is the head scientist of the lab, and he is his mothers older brother.
- His major field of study is anatomy and biology.
- He likes to dissect things, but easily gets sick from the smell.
- Although he gets along with the other scientists, they all kind of avoid him because he gets special treatment from his uncle.
- He really enjoys talking to Ivy, and looks forward to her check ups because its an excuse to talk.
- He's really good at pulling all nighters, and drinks lots of coffee in order to get all his work done.
- He has very poor eyesight, but doesn't want to get contacts because he thinks his glasses make him look cool.
- His favorite thing to drink is coffee with a bit of vanilla flavoring.
- His favorite color is cyan.