Sir Valentine Albring



5 years, 1 month ago


I don't close my eyes when I twist that knife

"you're paying me to do my job, not to be nice to you. flattery's extra. pay up, or toughen up."

one of nine children of an impoverished lower class family, forced into mercenary work after a devastating illness claimed the lives of most of those he loved. it was through this gruesome line of work that he met his current employer, a ruthless vampire warlord.

sir valentine albring
27 years
april 9th
trans man
neutral evil
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the old saying "hungry dogs are never loyal" applies well to valentine, a man so self-centered he would happily betray anyone if a better opportunity presented itself. it's all about survival of the fittest to him; strong morals and loyalty can get you killed much faster than you'd expect, wheras putting such concepts aside often helps you get ahead much faster... and stay there, of course.

having been raised in extreme poverty and seeing all sorts of horrors from a young age on, valentine knows that the world is neither fair nor kind. he carries an innate distrust of strangers within him - especially "kind" ones that so often seem to hide ulterior motives in the end.

that being said, valentine is a surprisingly authentic person. he may lack loyalty, but you can buy something like it for the right price, and he'll gladly let you know just how much it is. he doesn't pretend to be someone he isn't, nor does he pretend to like people. beware though, he's blunt with a tendency for heavy sarcasm and snide remarks, and argumentative and defiant when given orders he doesn't agree with.

valentine is also an incredibly resilient and enduring personality with a strong work ethic and a no-nonsense attitude when it comes to any task he accepts. while not oppossed to a mindless night of hedonistic pleasures to unwind once in a while, he's not one to slack off and play around on the job. if not working alone, he will often get bristly around those who take the task at hand too lightly, especially if the person in question has been placed in a leadership position.

if one manages to gain his trust, valentine mellows out a bit. not much, but just enough to see glimpses of the protective and caring man he might have been under different circumstances. he's neither romantic nor particularly soft, far preferring to show he cares by teaching someone proper sword techniques and how to hunt, skin, gut and cook rabbits than holding hands and kissing underneath the starlit sky. his brand of love is tough love, for you can never be too vulnerable and tender in a world full of corruption and deceit.

HUMOUR [50%]


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sit amet pharetra tortor. Morbi nec mi consectetur, auctor nulla interdum, facilisis neque. Proin id diam mollis, elementum neque in, euismod dui. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec quis nunc diam. Nunc eleifend ante a lectus hendrerit, quis condimentum enim rhoncus. Vivamus dolor arcu, tincidunt vel volutpat eu, varius in purus. Etiam quis eros at tortor ullamcorper ultricies. Sed pellentesque venenatis ligula, ut vestibulum tortor gravida mollis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Ut hendrerit placerat diam vitae sodales. Vivamus laoreet, nisi quis ultricies ornare, purus ante pretium tellus, et egestas risus neque sed massa.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sit amet pharetra tortor. Morbi nec mi consectetur, auctor nulla interdum, facilisis neque. Proin id diam mollis, elementum neque in, euismod dui. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec quis nunc diam. Nunc eleifend ante a lectus hendrerit, quis condimentum enim rhoncus. Vivamus dolor arcu, tincidunt vel volutpat eu, varius in purus. Etiam quis eros at tortor ullamcorper ultricies. Sed pellentesque venenatis ligula, ut vestibulum tortor gravida mollis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Ut hendrerit placerat diam vitae sodales. Vivamus laoreet, nisi quis ultricies ornare, purus ante pretium tellus, et egestas risus neque sed massa.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sit amet pharetra tortor. Morbi nec mi consectetur, auctor nulla interdum, facilisis neque. Proin id diam mollis, elementum neque in, euismod dui. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec quis nunc diam. Nunc eleifend ante a lectus hendrerit, quis condimentum enim rhoncus. Vivamus dolor arcu, tincidunt vel volutpat eu, varius in purus. Etiam quis eros at tortor ullamcorper ultricies. Sed pellentesque venenatis ligula, ut vestibulum tortor gravida mollis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Ut hendrerit placerat diam vitae sodales. Vivamus laoreet, nisi quis ultricies ornare, purus ante pretium tellus, et egestas risus neque sed massa.

Key details in design!
  • content
  • content
  • content
  • content
  • content
  • content
Details often missed!
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis dictum ullamcorper justo, nec pharetra tellus tempus in. Nam pellentesque dui in nunc luctus, vel vulputate dolor feugiat. Vestibulum a faucibus lacus. Ut at augue nec orci ullamcorper vulputate quis quis tellus. Cras pulvinar sagittis vulputate. Vestibulum quis sollicitudin nunc. Curabitur ex arcu, blandit eget faucibus nec, maximus ac lorem. Suspendisse consectetur molestie sapien, sed elementum diam tempus nec. Vivamus a tellus eget est malesuada volutpat ac sodales diam. Quisque aliquam eget urna non venenatis. Phasellus fermentum tincidunt mauris. Phasellus sit amet fermentum leo, a lobortis ipsum. Cras egestas sem pellentesque facilisis tincidunt. Quisque commodo ultricies sapien nec blandit. Morbi felis ex, aliquam eget diam at, tempus mattis turpis.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis dictum ullamcorper justo, nec pharetra tellus tempus in. Nam pellentesque dui in nunc luctus, vel vulputate dolor feugiat. Vestibulum a faucibus lacus. Ut at augue nec orci ullamcorper vulputate quis quis tellus. Cras pulvinar sagittis vulputate. Vestibulum quis sollicitudin nunc. Curabitur ex arcu, blandit eget faucibus nec, maximus ac lorem. Suspendisse consectetur molestie sapien, sed elementum diam tempus nec. Vivamus a tellus eget est malesuada volutpat ac sodales diam. Quisque aliquam eget urna non venenatis. Phasellus fermentum tincidunt mauris. Phasellus sit amet fermentum leo, a lobortis ipsum. Cras egestas sem pellentesque facilisis tincidunt. Quisque commodo ultricies sapien nec blandit. Morbi felis ex, aliquam eget diam at, tempus mattis turpis.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis dictum ullamcorper justo, nec pharetra tellus tempus in. Nam pellentesque dui in nunc luctus, vel vulputate dolor feugiat. Vestibulum a faucibus lacus. Ut at augue nec orci ullamcorper vulputate quis quis tellus. Cras pulvinar sagittis vulputate. Vestibulum quis sollicitudin nunc. Curabitur ex arcu, blandit eget faucibus nec, maximus ac lorem. Suspendisse consectetur molestie sapien, sed elementum diam tempus nec. Vivamus a tellus eget est malesuada volutpat ac sodales diam. Quisque aliquam eget urna non venenatis. Phasellus fermentum tincidunt mauris. Phasellus sit amet fermentum leo, a lobortis ipsum. Cras egestas sem pellentesque facilisis tincidunt. Quisque commodo ultricies sapien nec blandit. Morbi felis ex, aliquam eget diam at, tempus mattis turpis.

  • sparring
  • bladed weapons
  • authentic people
  • hunting
  • content
  • content
  • a holier-than-thou attitude
  • slimy textures
  • reading
  • baking
  • content
  • content
  • about 5'7'' with a lean, well-trained body. has top surgery scars.
  • pretty much always sleep-deprived. paired with his neutral expression being grumpy, he always looks annoyed at best and ready to kill someone at worst.
  • prone to cussing and using crass language when highly annoyed, angered, or in severe pain.
  • he was knighted by his current employer, though most (honourable) knights would likely refuse to accept him as one of their own. it's more of a glorified title that means little outside his current lord's territory.
  • person
  • hawks
  • slate blue
  • pine trees
  • venison meat pies
  • dry white wine
  • spring
  • evening
  • cornflowers
  • person
  • animal
  • (neon) pink
  • scent
  • gruel
  • apple juice
  • winter
  • early afternoon
  • nettles







I don't feel ashamed and I don't think twice