Vallis Reyleh


Basic Info

Name Meaning:

Vallis: Named after 'V.A.L.I.S'; Bloc Party song || Reyleh: From 'R'lyeh'; Location from Cthulhu Mythos


11.5 Solar Sweeps / ~24 Years




Pansexual Aromantic



Blood Colour:

Indigo-Purple cusp



Symbol Meaning:

Simplified sigil for Vetis (The Life Promiser)


Dumbo octopus / Stubby squid hybrid

Strife Specibus:

medicalKind (Syringes, Scalpels), pistolKind




Lives by the bay in Vernrot Harbour



♥ n/a || ♦ n/a || ♠ n/a

Vallis is a generally cheerful troll with a love for all things related to science. His primary interest is in studying troll mutations, and he presents himself as someone willing to help mutants find shelter in exchange for letting him study them. However, his interests align with the Empire, and instead he'll hand them over to slavers or culling squads, or harvest their organs for the black market. Despite his sinister actions, he believes he is a genuinely kind person acting for the greater good, and considers himself to be 'different' from other heinous individuals. He's very clumsy and prone to flubbing words when nervous, and is also the type of person who gets distracted easily. While he desires friends outside of his 'contacts', he finds it hard to trust others, and prefers to stay out of highblood affairs.     

  • Science (Particularly Biology & Anatomy, but dabbles in many other fields)
  • Conducting experiments, Dissecting things for both entertainment and educational purposes
  • Mutants (Both mutantbloods and trolls with interesting mutations)
  • Logic puzzles, Brain teasers, Tongue-twisters
  • Fish keeping / Aquarium managing
  • Nature documentaries
  • Anything and everything related to cephalopods (particularly squids) 
Misc. Information:
  • His voiceclaim is Robbie Daymond / Merlin from Fate Grand Order: Babylonia
  • His main interests are biology (both troll and animal) and anatomy, but he dabbles in most science-related subjects. His focus in other fields of science generally relates to Vernrot Harbour, such as studying the fish found in the ocean, analysing local weather phenomena, and conducting (less harmful) experiments on the locals.
  • He loves mutants, especially trolls with physical mutations such as extra limbs, wings, and other sorts of anatomical oddities. Trolls who only have blood mutations or psiionic mutations don't interest him as much, so he only goes after them if one of his clients needs them.
  • That love also stems from a fascination that something so hideous could evade capture for so long, and were able to avoid culling in the caverns in the first place. He admires that resilience, but it only fuels his desire to see what will finally kill them.
  • His primary clients are slavers / traffickers, culling squads / legislacerators, other fellow scientists, and trolls who seek mutants for entertainment purposes. He has connections to gangs (including the Red Scarves), the black market, and other shady individuals.
  • He also enjoys dissecting / vivisecting trolls for fun, as well as conducting his own experiments to see how mutants fate under torturous conditions compared to the average troll.
  • He's well-aware that his work is truly heinous, but he genuinely believes he's acting for the greater good as mutants are a danger to Alternian society. He sees no reason to regret his actions.
  • He keeps his work and personal life separate, and refuses to seek deeper relationships with his clients / contacts. Despite not seeing his work as being 'evil', he doesn't want to live completely caught up in that side, and would rather have people he can get away to. 
  • He's the type of person who prefers a few close friends over many acquaintances.
  • Being an indigo-seadweller cuspblood, he has a pair of tiny and completely non-functional fins connected to his ears. He initially lacked all other seadweller anatomy, but it appears his frequent contact with Vernrot's Horrorterrors have caused him to develop gills...
  • He previously avoided the company of other seadwellers, because he knew he wasn't truly 'one of them' and he'd never be accepted as a 'real' seadweller. Recently, he's been feeling more comfortable around them, though. 
  • He used to kill and dissect small animals when he was younger (starting with rats and birds, then moving onto stray cats and dogs, then finally abandoned or wandering lusii), but moved onto trolls once he felt that he no longer had anything to learn from them.
  • He knows the basics of medicine and could patch someone up in a pinch, but he's no interested in becoming a full-fledged doctor. He'll occasionally act as one for the residents of Vernrot if the local doctor is busy or not open that night.
  • He lives right at the waterfront of Vernrot Harbour, meaning that he's more susceptible to the influence of the Horrorterrors that slumber in The Deep compared to the other residents of the town. However, like the other residents, he's completely unable to recognise any eldritch activity and treats it as a normal aspect of life.
  • He hears the whisperings of The Deep, but he's tuned them out so that they're nothing more than background noise. When he's away from the town, he often has trouble focusing and sleeping if the room is completely silent.
  • He'll listen to static channels on the radio or TV if he's away from his hive, as the sounds remind him of home. He also enjoys listening to ambient music (particularly the 'dark ambient' genre), and atmospheric remixes of songs.
  • His hair is prematurely going grey and even blanching in places as a result of Horrorterror influence, but he dyes it black because he isn't a fan of the salt-and-pepper look.
  • He glows under UV light, also as a result of Horrorterror influence. He has glow spots on his ears and under his eyes, and his body from the neck down is covered in tentacle-like markings that appear to move on their own accord. The inside of his mouth also appears to have a faint glow to it.
  • Another side-effect of the Horrorterror's influences is his gigantic obsession with squids and other cephalopods. For reasons he can't understand, he is compelled to collect squid decorations and any sort of object with a squid motif.
  • He's also an avid fish keeper, and owns multiple tanks full of tropical fish, as well as sea creatures that may be unusual for a hobbyist to keep (such as eels, crabs, jellyfish, deep sea creatures, etc.). Part of his hive has been transformed into a dedicated aquarium, and he typically has a small fish tank in every room.
  • He's slightly farsighted, and wears reading glasses whenever he's works.
  • He doesn't wear his hair down often, but when he does he usually ends up tying it back up in a bun out of habit. When down, his hair reaches his waist.
  • He has a habit of chewing on pens, straws, etc. He's accidentally chewed on things he's borrowed from other people before.
  • He usually keeps a puzzle book on him at all times, and he enjoys all sorts of brain teasers, tongue-twisters, and logic puzzles. His favourite is cryptic crosswords, and he always completes the crosswords in the daily newspaper.
  • He's not an early riser, and always relies on a cup of coffee to fully 'wake up' in the morning. But apart from that one cup, he doesn't drink a lot of caffeine.
  • He's very forgetful, and has accidentally dropped scalpels inside trolls he was operating on and forgotten about them until after he's sewn them back up.