


5 years, 14 days ago


[General Information]

Name: Beepaw


  • Prefix: Bee - She's round, fluffy, and has the furr color of a bee.
  • Suffix: Paw - Apprentice suffix.

Sex: Female

Clan: Thunderclan

Rank: Apprentice

Age: 6 moons [last updated: 04/15/19]

  • Joining Age: 6 moons [date: 04/15/19]
  • Birth Season: Leaf-fall

Mentor: Mountainfrost


Book description: Beepaw is a golden she-cat with yellow eyes and a dark brown stripe down her back and on her front paw.

Breed: Moggy
Fur texture: Fluffy
Scars: None
Eyes: Yellow
Scent: Dandelions

Most notable traits: Her fluffy, golden pelt
Appealing/attractive features: Her happy face
Accessories: None

Build: Round
Posture: Perky
Height: Average

Weight: Heavy


0-1 = no skill

2-3 = below average

4-6 = Average

7-8 = Above average

9-10 = Expert


Strength: 6/10

Dexterity: 4/10

Constitution: 8/10

Wisdom: 2/10

Intelligence: 1/10

Charisma: 8/10


Rodent hunting: 7/10

Bird hunting: 5/10

Rabbit hunting: 2/10

Reptile hunting: 3.5/10

Fishing: 2/10

Climbing: 5/10

Swimming: 2/10

Stalking: 2/10

Battle tactics: 5/10

Fighting: 4/10

Defense: 6/10

Medicine: 1/10


Sight: 5/10

Smell: 6/10

Taste: 6/10

Hearing: 5/10

Touch: 4/10


+Enthusiastic: Having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval. 

Beepaw has a lot of energy when it comes to learning about new things, she can find it troublesome to sit still when presented the opportunity to get a new experience.

+Optimistic: Hopeful and confident about the future.

Beepaw believes the best in every cat she encounters, she believes good things will only happen to you if you give new things a try.

+Kind: Having or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature.

She's friendly to every cat by default, she sees no reason to be mean. If you're nice to a flower, it blooms.

=Loyal: Giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution.

Beepaw will support anyone she has grown close to, she kind of develops blind trust. This cat has been kind to her, why would they stop?

=Honest: Free of deceit and untruthfulness; sincere.

Beepaw believes that if you can't get what you want using the truth, then you don't deserve it. Because of this, even if she's told to lie, she will stutter and get anxious over fear of getting caught and losing the trust of those she cares about.

-Oblivious: Not aware of or not concerned about what is happening around one.

Due to her being young and sheltered, Beepaw often doesn't catch up on social clues, nor does she understand the troubles the clan goes through. She also doesn't look where she's going, and ends up stepping on things she shouldn't.

-Careless: Awkward Not giving sufficient attention or thought to avoiding harm or errors.

Beepaw often doesn't think her future actions through before pursuing them, which often leads to her getting hurt in some way.

-Distracted: Unable to concentrate because one's mind is preoccupied.

During lessons she may see a butterfly and watch it flutter, as opposed to listening to her mentor. It is a mild, but reoccurring issue.


Before Birth: 

Tigerjaw and Milkweed had met as apprentices, and for Tigerpaw, it was love at first sight. Milkweed on the other paw wasn't fond of Tigerpaw, as she found him too clingy and overbearing. She began to train extra hard, just to be able to leave the Apprentice's den. Tigerpaw saw this as an unspoken competition. He trained to grow his strength, thinking after becoming warriors, they'd battle for love. To Milkpaw's surprise, their assessment test was taken together. For half of it, Tigerpaw just followed and watched Milkpaw as she hunted, until she snapped at him for following her. He calmly left her alone without saying a word. After the assessment, it was announced that they both passed. They both became warriors, received their warrior names, and sat vigil that night.

Tigerjaw, still believing Milkweed planned on battling him, decided to attack first to get the upper hand; Milkweed screamed from the sudden attack and scolded him. The whole clan was awoken from the disturbance. Tigerjaw explains how he thought she was planning on battling with him, but the leader cuts him off to remind both of them that they are not to speak. The entire clan returns to their places.

After the incident, Tigerjaw gives Milkweed the distance she wants; even during border patrols he remains silent. It remains like this until one day they are patrolling the border together when they catch the scent of something they aren't familiar with, and decide to follow it. They follow it until they get too close to Twoleg place and hear barking. They can't trace the direction of the barking until a dog jumps out from the bushes, chasing the two cats up a tree. Tigerjaw notices the branch Milkweed is clung to is flimsy and looks like it's about to break, but she's too paralyzed with fear to move. Tigerjaw jumps down and leads the dog on a chase back to Twoleg place. He returns to assure Milkweed that the dog is gone and she's safe, and the two cats return to camp.

From that day on Milkweed stayed close to Tigerjaw for protection, and agreed to be his mate. They decided to have kits. Milkweed gave birth to three kits, although two were still born; she still named the stillborn kits Goosekit and Tawnykit, and the sole surviving kit was named Beekit for her fluffy, round body.


Milkweed was very protective of her only surviving kit, although she encouraged Beekit to believe there's good in everyone. Anytime there was an issue happening within the clan, Milkweed prevented any cat from discussing it within earshot of Beekit, as she didn't want Beekit to have to worry about the clan at such a young age. Milkweed told many stories she had heard from the elders to Beekit, inspiring her sense of optimism. The two were inseparable. Milkweed spent all her time caring for Beekit and playing with her,  since she didn't have any siblings. Tigerjaw convinced Milkweed to slowly weed herself away from Beekit so she wouldn't be so heartbroken when Beekit would suddenly be sent to the Apprentices den and train to be a warrior.


Beepaw is hoping in her apprenticeship that she'll learn to catch so many mice that she'll be able to give everyone in the clan full bellies for the rest of their lives.

[Opinions and Beliefs]

Religion: Starclan

Superstitious: No, but can be convinced

Starclan: "They're our friend's that protect us. I think they like to play pranks on us when we're not looking."

The Dark Forest: "Those are the scary cats, they're not my friends."

Thunderclan: Neutral

Riverclan: Neutral 

Windclan: Neutral

Shadowclan: Neutral 

Outsiders: Neutral


Father: Tigerjaw
Mother: Milkweed

  • Goosekit
  • Tawnykit

Father's side

Grandfather: Rockslip

Grandmother: Daisydew

Uncle: Applerock

Auntie: Darkear 

Cousins: Brightday 

Mother's side

Grandfather: Loudstep

Grandmother: Rabbitleap

Uncle: Ravensong

Auntie: Sunnyfang

Cousins: Ryespots


[Love Life]

Romantic orientation: Biromantic with a preference for males

Sexual orientation: She's a BABY


  • Understanding 
  • Caring


  • Hot-heads
  • Emotionally distant


  • None

Romantic partners/mates:

  • None


  • None


Favorite Prey: Mice
Favorite Season: New-leaf
Favorite Cat:
Favorite Activity: Frolicking in fields of tall grass or flowers
Favorite thing: A rock near the camp that tastes like salt

Least favorite Prey: Lizard
Least favorite Season: Leaf-bare
Least favorite Cat:
Least favorite Activity: Checking the elders for ticks
Least favorite thing: Thorns/bee stings

Theme Songs: