Judas Griego



5 years, 1 month ago


Name: Judas Caballero Griego
Life Status: First; 465HP, 89AP
→Cause of Death*: n/a
Species: Human; Hispanic
Diet: omnivorous; high affinity for protein-heavy meals
Uniform/General Clothes: Stealth Suit Mk II, Atomic-Valence Tri-Radii-Oscillator; Veteran Ranger duster, sunglasses
Base Personality: (Scorpio); Mischievous Saint; resourceful; wanderer, free spirit; people-person; instinctive leader but a lone-wolf
→Mannerisms: question everything; own a bite even to your bark; help the helpless to help themselves; welcomes mystery with open arms; open door policy goes both ways; doesn't talk much about himself; fantastic listener and conversationalist; not beyond getting hands bloody
→Tag Traits: Speech, Sneak, Lockpick
→Perks: Animal Friend, Confirmed Bachelor, Big-Brained, Heartless, Spineless
→S: 5+ P: 7+ E: 6 C: 6 I: 10 A: 8+ L: 7
→Active Effects: Spineless Strength (STR+1); Stealth Suit Mk II (+20%SNK SPD, SNK+25, PE)
→Level: Messiah (50)
Occupation/Title: Courier Six of the Mojave Express
→Tools of the Trade: Christine's COS Silencer Rifle; Elijah's Advanced LAER+; Laser Rifle+; Dr. Mobius’ Glove
Faction: Independent

Boomers — Idolized

Brotherhood of Steel — Liked

Caesar's Legion — Vilified

Followers of the Apocalypse — Idolized

Freeside — Idolized

Goodsprings — Liked

Great Khans — Liked

NCR — Idolized

Novac — Idolized

Powder Gangers — Vilified

The Strip — Liked

White Glove Society — Idolized
Relationship Status: fianceé (deceased); boyfriend/s? (Boone debatably, Arlos & Arcade)
Family: mother, father, elder brother, older sister (all deceased)
Children: n/a
Powers/Skills: keen eyesight, sniper; absurdly stealthy, light footing, never triggers landmines/etc.
Other: Oct. 19, 2281 he awoke to Doc Mitchell after surviving a shot in the head by Benny; sticky fingers; can play the harmonica pretty well (found out by accident); doesn’t properly remember past/brain damage, struggles with some basic motor functions (writing anything is a challenge) and mathematics (hates math involving large, especially uneven, numbers); the Divide fucks him up, but he eventually comes to a reconciliation with Ulysses; 14yo when parents were murdered by Fiends and his 16yo sister fled to Washington; joined the Mojave Express shortly thereafter; 20yo when he met Delilah over in Hopeville thanks to his brother
→Age: turns 37 shortly after he woke up in 2281
→DOB: October 26, 2244
→Body Type: well-built, sleek
→Face Claim: Nyle DiMarco
→Hair: black; short, cropped in back; naturally curly but stylized slick; well-groomed facial scruff
→Eye Color: dark hazelnut
→Height: 5’6’’
→Weight: 185lbs
→Handedness: natural right; forced ambidextrous
→Scars: scalpel trail along hairline (bullet wound and one lobotomy); right elbow sutured to synthetic arm (lost arm first time at Big Mountain)
→Likes: amber/light honey brown; cool breeze on warm, humid nights; sunrise and sunset; Rose of Sharon Cassidy's Whiskey; peaceful quiet; dogs; technology; harmless mischief
→Dislikes: abuse, bullies

* If the character is dead.